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The party had been going on for half an hour. Jungkook was greeting everyone that came. His sincerity and politeness had the girls and gays screamed their lungs out and blushed hard.

Too bad they weren't at jimin's spot.

They now knew after jungkook introduced jimin to his guests and jimin just.. well jimin's just being himself. The night paid attention to his white tank, a black tux and dark grey pants, hair perfectly bounced on his forehead as he walked along with a black laced choker on his neck, a ring in its middle and the ring jungkook bought, worn on his index finger.

People would make way and gave unbelievable looks if he passed by pushing off every haters and ahjummas with cocky looks and lazer mouths talking about him and jungkook. And everyone around praised and got jealous of him for that.

Finally after almost an hour, jimin saw yoongi and hobii walking in among the guests. He waved his hand in every direction in the air while jumping at his place finally meeting his life savers after an exhausting war throughout the night.

Jimin came running to them approaching hobii immediately hugging him ever so tight

"I thought you're still in spain" jimin sighed in relief

"We took a last minute flight" hobii wrapped his hands around jimin's

Yoongi threw his hand up as he saw jungkook walking towards them.

"Happy birthday jungkook ah" he gave jungkook a lowkey high five

"How did it go for you jimin" yoongi asked

"Don't even mention about it. I buried all of them alive" jimin sassed rolling his eyes

"Hobii? I guess you've learned some spanish" jungkook teased

"Pfft yeah like i thought yoongi forgot his nationality. I could only remember si and hola" hobii scoffed annoyingly

"I thought you like it when my tongue works that way" yoongi chuckled at hobii's reaction

"I like you tongue working in many ways" hobii smirked seductively caressing yoongi's arms

"Yah anyone can say hola, it's nothing much-" jungkook turned around as a sweet familiar voice interrupted

"Hola" a wide smile on the tallest guy among the six males caught jungkook's attention as he turned around to his surprise

"What the" jungkook jumped in joy smiling to his ears seeing namjoon and jin standing before him pulling him into a warm long hug of three.

"Is this real ??!" Jungkook asked excitingly while hugging them

"No we're just passing by in your dream- of course it's real!" Jin shook jungkook in the hug

"Guys you're really here!! Oh my gosh, But how" jungkook looked at both of the taller males still in their holds

"It's your birthday kookie. We must come" namjoon rubbed behind jungkook's neck

Unexpected moments are always better than expected ones. Having them come to surprise jungkook after disappearing for 2 years was the best gift for his birthday though he's been wanting to meet them this whole time but didn't work.

But maybe that's the beauty of it all. For them not knowing what might happen but trying to make it work anyway. Such rush won't figure things out, he just embraced the unknown and let life came running to him instead of chasing it.

"Where is he?" Namjoon looked at the others behind them

"Jiminie" jungkook pulled him on the waist dragging him to namjoon and jin

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