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Jimin took a moment to just stare at Jungkook.

Jungkook was still overly confused. He came next to him and rubbed both his forearms and kissed the cheeks.

"Tell me"

Jimin turned to him and loss of words.

Jungkook nodded being all ears for Jimin to say anything.

Hiding and even forgetting the fact that he was with someone was already awful for how much he felt.

And to confess to his boyfriend on the day of their anniversary was even worse.

"Nevermind", Jimin shook his head.

He pushed Jungkook to lie down and instantly sat on his lower abdomen. Jungkook was a bit in shock as he thought Jimin would want to say something.

Jimin began taking off Jungkook's shower robe and leaving kisses on the chest and abdomen.

Jungkook was aroused due to earlier but it didn't feel right. So he rose up and held Jimin on the shoulders to push him away.

"What's this? What's going on?", Jungkook could see Jimin looking away.

"I'm trying to please you", Jimin said but almost cracking his voice.

"You don't have to. I'm not into sex if you're being like this. You gotta tell me what's going on"

Jimin didn't want to upset him but it's bugging him to keep it until who knows when.

Jimin was still on Jungkook looking down until the taller cupped his waist, "you can tell me"

"I..", Jimin sighed,

"I met someone.. when we weren't together"

Jungkook was silent.

"And we made out..", Jimin paused when Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

"You two hooked up?", Jungkook interrupted.

"No.. i stopped cause i thought of you", Jimin held Jungkook's hands to convince him.

"How far?"

"Just kissing. I promise.", Jimin shook his head.

Jungkook zoned out for a second.

"It's been bugging me since i think you should know who it is"

"Is it someone i know?"

Jimin nodded.

"Say what??"


"What ?!"

Jimin leaned back. Not that he's not expecting Jungkook to react that way. But just like wow, he's really shocked and prolly furious.

"And you knew i was friends with him??"

"I do. And—"

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