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It's school day again and it's recess time.

   Jimin stopped at the crowded cafeteria, too lazy to get into queue. He turned to the opposite direction and went straight to the library. There was no one from his sight in the quiet room. Not even the librarian.

He explored one the comic isle and found various types of comics which made him smiled widely as ever. At least something he liked to cure his boredom.

   He sat down on the floor going through the comic he picked enjoying it quietly. After flipping a few pages he shot his head up to the book shelf behind him. He could hear slow groans and moaning from the next isle.

   Jimin didn't want to invade other people's privacy though he ignored the fact that they're doing such things in a library which was a public place. But whatever-

   He tiptoed exiting his isle, avoiding the two unknown students. He then accidentally dropped his comic book on the way out. Luckily the students didn't notice him, he bent down to reach it and he saw them from the side. It's yoongi hyung..

Yoongi's boxer was pulled down to his knees. The other student was on her knees bobbing her head taking in yoongi's length while yoongi gripped into her hair as she moved with his  head tossed back eyes shut.

   Jimin stole a quick glance and got out quickly from the library,

"Ouch!" he bumped into someone

"Excuse you. Why are you in such a hurry?" Jungkook held on both jimin's shoulder.

"Nothing really. Let's go back to class" jimin pulled him by the hand.

As they continued their lesson in class which was boring, and of course jungkook could doze off any minute, jimin started to sit uncomfortably. Shifting his position back and forth had his deskmate looking at him weirdly.

"Are you ok?" Jungkook whispered.

Jimin just nodded and looked back at the board while taking in whatever the teacher is talking about but not really focused on it.

Jungkook still staring at him and trailed his eyes to jimin's hands squeezing his own thighs. He then wrote something on a paper showing it to jimin.

Are you horny ? Keke

Jimin's eyes widened but not really much surprised because it's jungkook anyway that he had his first sex with. So he nodded three times knitting his eyebrows. Jimin opened his book to an empty page and wrote something in reply,

Can you please fuck me in the restroom real quick please

Jungkook smirked at that and mouthed 'we have class' teasing him and jimin in frustration mouthing 'fuck' closing his eyes.

The next ten minutes right when class ended, jimin ran out to the restroom into one of the cubicles. Jungkook then followed behind him but just walking, wanting jimin to eagerly wait for him.

As he got to restroom, he locked the main door. He pushed open each cabin one by one checking if there's anyone. Until the third, he was pulled in as fast being pushed against the door.

In a quick move, jimin worked on his belt unbuckling it, pulling his pants and boxers in one go. Before he could even gather himself, jimin gave him a deep throat, holding his hips for balance, taking in his length to the base.

"Slowly jimin" his eyes rolled to the back of his head on the door holding onto jimin's head

"You're bitting !"

Jimin hummed a 'sorry'. Jungkook felt he's close so he pushed jimin off then went for his lips kissing him roughly while unbuttoning his shirt.

He took of jimin's boxers and lifted his legs up and holding him up for support. He was about to stick in his finger but jimin grabbed his hand stopping him,

"I don't need it" jimin panted


Jimin nodded. Jungkook lifted him up guiding his legs to wrap around his waist and entered him slow but thrusting abruptly.

It was real quick, jungkook finishing in jimin as he finally came. They got into their clothes again and walked back to class.

"What made you so turned on?" Jungkook asked as they walked


"Hi jimin!" Yoongi approached from behind.

"Uh hyung.. hi" jimin bowed a little

"You guys met" asked jungkook

"Yeah" jimin nodded

As jimin and yoongi were talking, Jungkook didn't really like the fact that they seemed closer than he expected. He knew yoongi way before jimin so he's very much aware of his mischievous games.

And to be honest, he didn't want jimin to be one of his victims.

"I could teach you today" yoongi offered

"Teach what" asked jungkook

"Piano. Hyung is really good at it y'know" jimin wrapped his hands around yoongi's which had jungkook glared at it.

"We don't have a piano" jungkook looked confused

"Yoongi hyung has one" jimin smiled

"Let's go. It's gonna be fun" yoongi led the way

The moment he decided to leave with jimin, jungkook held him by his shoulder making yoongi turned to the taller,

"Don't have too much fun"

Yoongi didn't notice his glare but instead took jungkook's words as a joke leaving him in the corridor taking jimin with him.

He somehow felt uneasy seeing jimin disappear from his sight with the school's well-known dickface.

He just hoped they really only went to play the piano.

A/n: a bit short, but
hope you guys enjoy
Thank you
beautiful mortals 🖤

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