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On the way back home, Jungkook went for a McDonald's drive thru and parked near the building.

"What did you two talk about?", he passed a fry.

"Stuff only we know", Jimin stared out the window.

"Like gossip?"

"Gossip is the basis of our conversation duh"

"Jimin don't talk to me like that i'm not Hobi", Jungkook used his free hand to massage Jimin's shoulder.

"Oh that feels so good"

Jungkook kept glancing at Jimin who leaned his head back with eyes closed.

At least he knew how to make him feel good.

Also he had a thought about what happened at the hospital.


"I know what you're thinking kookie, i'm not sick", he turned to Jungkook.

"I'm not saying that you're sick—"

"Then what?", Jimin turned to him as he pulled his hand away.


"Are you simply trying to twist the fact that i'm crazy and oversensitive on little things? And that i have no self control? I don't realise when and how it happens kookie.. and that's the only reason i overdose. It actually helps me in a way and you wont get that !"

Jimin hit his own hand at the dashboard.

"Jimin stop !", Jungkook held both his wrists and stared into his eyes.

"You're doing it again", he slowly said, "breathe..slowly"

Jimin closed his eyes as he let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry", the smaller quietly said.

"You don't have to be sorry for anything"

Jimin glanced at Jungkook's hands holding his wrists as he put them down on the laps.

"I don't want you restraining me like this all the time. It's sickening"

Jungkook let the hands go and saw Jimin's wrist turning red from hitting the hard surface just now.

"I'll be back with some ointment", he left Jimin in the car.

At home,

Jungkook went upstairs to Jimin who's on the phone on bed. In his hands were pills and a glass of water.

Jimin saw him approaching and covered himself completely in the sheets.

"You know you're not supposed to skip meds"

"idontwantto", he mumbled from underneath.

"Do you love me?", Jungkook was finding ways to distract him.


Jungkook put the stuff down and pulled the blanket off to see Jimin watching America's Got Talent where there was a guy dancing.

"What are you doing?", Jungkook devilishly giggled.

"To improve my dancing. You told me i was bad", Jimin pouted as he continued to look at the screen.

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