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Jimin walked around the corridors and reached the meeting room. He looked at the room number again on his paper checking if he's at the right place.

You can do this

He let out a breath and opened the sliding door having all eyes on him. He bowed politely pursing his plump lips focusing on the instructor who stopped the briefing.

"I'm sorry i'm late. They emailed me to be here at 10" Jimin calmly said

"You're not late, we're just having an ice breaking session. Not compulsory" the man holding the papers smiled as he pointed to the empty seat for Jimin.

Some people began whispering as Jimin passed by. Some giving the hawk eyes as he put down his bag and pulled the chair to his preference as he sat.

"It's ok, the briefing doesn't start until everyone's here" a boy next to him whispered

Jimin smiled to him as he held out his hand for a greet,

"I'm Park Jimin"

"I'm Ha Sungwoon" he smiled back cheerfully as he let go off Jimin's hand.

Jimin startled as the the boy pulled his hand again and stared at him fondly in the eyes,

"You're Park Jimin ?! The Park Jimin that had the panels standing up?? I mean the whole audience standing up?? your audition was crazy lit! Your recording was most viral and even the sunbaes here are eager to meet you!"

The excited boy was overwhelmed by the fact he's sitting next to Jimin who's been the hot topic of rumour going around ever since his audition was known a crazy history.

"I.. i guess so but don't be too loud" Jimin hushed the boy making him cover his own mouth innocently.

"Sorry. Just that i really wanted to meet you" Sungwoon shyly scratched his head,

"Well it's nice to meet you too"

"I guess you didn't see my audition. I was right after you but you might have gone by then"

"I'm sorry"

"Oh it's fine. Talking to you is already a miracle. And i mean i'm talking to Park Jimin right now! Like literally the Park Jimin !"

"Shh" Jimin nervously trying to calm the boy down,

"Sorry" he chuckled,

"If so, why don't you show me your dance personally?" Jimin kindly asked

"Oh my god! Park Jimin wants me to dance for him! I hope i'm not dreaming please! I'm glad to show you what i can do but i doubt anyone here's better than you. But i'll try my best !Thank you thank you thank you !!" Sungwoon stood up making his chair fell back talking as loud making the others looked at him weirdly.

Sungwoon lifted his chair as he quietly turned down his volume. Jimin was next to him covering his face with both his tiny hands feeling a little embarrassed of the situation.

"Thank you" Sungwoon poked his arms and Jimin just nodded still covering his face.


"I'll see you tomorrow?" Sungwoon shouted as he waved back at Jimin

"Who's that?" Hobi put his hands around Jimin's shoulder

"Sungwoon. One of my friends in the same department"

"Friends? Plural? Wow you quick" Hobi pouted

"Forget it. I only remember like one or two" Jimin scoffed at himself,

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