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The project began. It's a two-weeks work so Jimin had to come every day to attend the shoot directly at JFila company. He was the on everyone's eyes as he was specifically chosen by his beautiful features and worthy effort he had put in.

Jimin tried on the full set of Nike. A black tank that came with a neon green jacket, a dark grey sweatpants and a pair of white and green sneakers. He got himself ready on the set as the makeup artist did a little touch up on his tiny nose.

Jimin showed different poses and all were gorgeous making the photographer hype the mood up. He changed poses like a professional with charming facial expressions and natural gestures with different angles as the camera flashes.

He monitored the pictures on the screen as the pd scrolled on the mouse for him. He smiled feeling satisfied as he gave full cooperation during the shoot.

"Can i have a photo with you" a female staff asked nervously with a phone in her hand,

"Sure" Jimin sincerely nodded as he posed with the girl in the selfie.

The people around kept praising Jimin though he's a newbie, his attitude, effort in work and end products were what they wished for from a model they've been working with since day one.

It's like a fallen angel sent from above.

He went to the guest's room and let the staffs took off his jacket and left him alone as he leaned his head back on the couch to rest.

"Hyongju, let's have a drink tonight" he talked on the phone and hung up after.

The door was slowly opened and had Jimin sat up properly not let anyone see his tiring condition. He rolled his eyes as soon as he saw Jungkook coming in,

"Jiminie" Jimin didn't respond and just eyed the guy that came sitting infront of him as he put down a plastic bag.

This is it.

"I thought i made it clear that i don't want to meet you" damn it this is not what i planned, he thought,

"I came to see you off" Jungkook picked out a bottle of drink from the plastic bag and place it on the table, "i bought your favourite"

"why are you acting like nothing happened before", Jimin's voice got a little stern,

damn it damn it ! Why am i so pissed ?!

"I just wanna talk" Jungkook quietly pleaded,

"What do you think we're doing right now?", Jimin scoffed

play nice Jimin please..

this is your chance,

"I want us to talk"

"Us ? How dare you use that word. Us was long gone"

why am i being like this seriously..

Jimin got up to pick his bag packing his stuff to leave.

He abruptly went to the door but was held tight from behind as Jungkook hugged him. Jimin didn't get mad or dodged. He wanted that feeling for such a long time ago and now he had it.

Jungkook held him tight wrapping the smaller around and locked Jimin's arms. He snuggled his nose behind Jimin's neck making Jimin shivered at his breath brushing against it.

Deep inside he missed the warmth. If he could just tell Jungkook to not let go. How badly he's killing himself on the inside feeling stupid for giving in at the pathetic moment,

This isn't right

He used all his strength to push Jungkook away and succeeded of letting go but Jungkook gripped tight by his hand. He gave another push moving away from Jungkook making the taller let go not wanting to force him.

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