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Three years passed.

"Daddy ! I need to pee !", the five year old girl squirmed holding in between her skirt.

"Okay okay i'm coming", Jimin hastily put down the stuff on the kitchen counter and rolled up his sleeve.

"It's coming out ! It's coming out !", she screamed.

"No no no hold it in", Jimin panicked taking off her overalls and lifted up her skirt.

"Kookie where are you ?!", he shouted as he pulled down the girl's panties in the bathroom.

"Baby learn to aim", Jungkook finally came at the door and watched.

"It's a she Jeon Jungkook how many times do i have to remind you ? And am i the only one doing this all the time ?", Jimin glared.

"I was taking a shit babe"

"Language", Jimin signalled towards the girl.

"I was pooping. My bad", Jungkook walked in, "let me do it", he guided the little girl instead.

"We're gonna be late", Jimin wore his coat and gathered his stuff.

Jungkook put on the clothes for the girl again.

"Okay done let's go", Jungkook carried her up on his shoulders after finished.

Jimin was ready until he sighed looking at the girl's socks soaked wet. He went upstairs to take another.

"He's mad at you", Jungkook told the girl, "Nope he's mad at you", she giggled.

As they arrived, Jin and Namjoon was spotted on the way.

"Uncle Jin !", Jungkook let her down and she ran giddily herself into Jin's arms.

"I missed you babygirl", Jin pecked her fat cheeks, "i miss you more !", she hugged him tight.

"Ju Mi ah", Namjoon pinched her shoulder raising both eyebrows.

"Uncle Joon too", Ju Mi giggled in guilt hugging Namjoon after.

"It's time gentlemen", a staff led them inside.

"You've gone through every step of the adoption process, and now you're staring at the final hurtle, the adoption finalization hearing. Adoptions aren't final until parental rights are terminated and once post-placement visits have ceased", the judge said.

"Daddy ?", Ju Mi looked up at both Jimin and Jungkook, "iwuvyou", she whispered covering her mouth with her tiny hands.

Jimin's heart just melted. Jungkook chuckled lifting the girl up onto his lap.

After further questioning and self confirmation process, it was time.

"Now as according to previous file cases, Yang Ju Mi has been repeatedly taken into foster child care in three different households since the past two years. And unfortunately none worked out due to personal hurdles. The death of her parents..terrible accident, let us all show respect and grief by praying for them. May they rest in peace"

The court took a moment of silence to pray.

Jimin fondly stared at the girl. She had her eyes closed and hands clasped together praying for her parents.

Jimin reached to stroke her hair and Jungkook reached to stroke his. They smiled daringly at each other.

"Yang Ju Mi, taken in by a new foster family, Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin for almost two months. Great changes had been made and seen according to the questioning results and  consultations of the Oaks Hill Orphanage. I now have one last question, Ju Mi are you happy ?", the judge leaned forward.

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