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"I just don't see why you need to smoke. It's bad for you" Jimin sighed as he got a little pissed,

"Why do you care ? I can live the way i want to" Jungkook arched an eyebrow taking another suck

Jimin took Jungkook's harsh words so easily that he was taken aback. His eyes burning with fury as he glared at the taller.

"Yeah that's the point. Keep smoking and you won't be fucking living anymore" Jimin shot his anger though he didn't mean to but it got him really satisfied that he could say that.

Jungkook glared at Jimin whose mind just built a whole rage boiling up all over his body.

"You curse very well now and I had no doubt that either of us change. I smoke, so how's that a big deal"

Jimin rolled his eyes as he scoffed,

"The big deal is that cursing improves my blood circulation and smoking brings you to fucking death"

Jimin stormed as he was about to open the balcony door and leave until Jungkook blocked his way,

"Where do you think you're going?!"

"Anywhere where there's no you" Jimin pushed him away with all mighty though the taller didn't flinch much.

He went inside leaving Jungkook be.

He looked around the room scooting over searching for any of the guys but no one was seemed to be found.

He took a deep breath in and out and quickly went to one of the corners in the alleys of the exhibition. He checked if the line was clear as he took out his medication pills.

Anti depressants.

He gulped two pills once and turned around as Yoongi called for him from the back,


he chased over Yoongi and snatched away the glass of wine from his hands. He abruptly drank to the last drop rushing the hard medication down his throat.

"Yah that's strong liquor!" Yoongi's warning was too late that Jimin swallowed all of it.

"Th-thanks" he hiccuped leaning on to Hobi who smartly caught him as he was all tipsy.

"This kid tsk tsk" Yoongi asked Hobi to hand Jimin to him instead so he could easily stand him straight. Practically he's stronger.

"Call butler Lee" Hobi nodded as he dialled Yoongi's butler on his phone.

"What happened??" Jin came running from behind as he saw the situation not really under control,

"He drank the liquor i told you about"

"That one? For real? Namjoon couldn't even take another sip" as Jin helped to hold Jimin above his shoulder too,

"Where's Namjoon hyung?" Hobi eyed around

"He said he's meeting a friend" Jin shrugged

"Let's take Jiminie outside first" the three dragged Jimin to the parking lot and safely put him in the limo as Yoongi's butler arrived,

"You sure?" Yoongi asked Hobi who wanted to accompany Jimin back home,

"Yeah i'll take care of him" Hobi waved as the car window rolled down.


"I see you still keep this"

"It's one of my arts. Not different in any way"

"It's in your private gallery room. Of course it makes a difference"

Namjoon had both his hands in his pocket as he stared at the portrait of Jimin in front of him.

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