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He struggled to get up. But it was heavy. His chest as though something huge sat on it. He held his neck massaging it making sure air would go in.

But he was suffocating. Unable to even blink. His mouth was wide open but no voice came out.

He reached his hand to the side holding whatever was there. Thank god, he held his boyfriend.

"Y-yoong..", Hobi called.

He looked up at the ceiling surrounding the dark room. The darkness was already trapping him like the oxygen was repeatedly being rejected from coming in.

He tugged Yoongi's shirt again and again. Oh why was Yoongi a heavy sleeper, he then regretted such fact.

Yoongi woke up at the bed moving weirdly. He turned around to Hobi whose eyes were all red and puffy. His eyes grew wide at the moment feeling all anxiousness attacking him.

"Hobi !"


"Jieun how are you?", Mrs Jeon entered the house.

"I'm fine, and you?", Jieun approached her closing the door behind.

"Been so busy, Mr Jeon and i just can't wait to hand the company over to kookie and you", Mrs Jeon sat on the couch in the living room.

"Oh haha", Jieun laughed though it wasn't really funny.

"Where is he by the way?", she looked around.

"Business trip. He didn't tell you?", Jieun asked cluelessly.

"What business trip? The company would've inform me if he's going anywhere"

"I didn't bother to ask further. Business trip, that's all he said", Jieun looked down at her laps sensing that Mrs Jeon was a bit flustered.

"We don't have any proposals over the break, not until after the official announcement in a few weeks", she took out her phone dialling some number, "excuse me".

Jieun bit her lower lips feeling slightly nervous. She just hoped her tongue didn't slip anything Jungkook would be mad at.

She looked at Mrs Jeon who was frowning while doing a phone call. She must've not known.

"How long has he gone?", Mrs Jeon hung up.

"Since the break started", Jieun was just being truthful.

"Where did he go..", she pursed her lips and was about to lash out to call her son until she saw Jieun didn't really show a good expression, "Jieun.."

"Yes??", Jieun flinched a bit.

"Is there something wrong? You can tell me", Mrs Jeon held one of Jieun's hands.

"What do you mean.."

"I know my son very well Jieun. I can tell if he's actually accepting you sincerely or not. And i know he's not, but i promise you, he treated you well right?"

"Yes he's a very gentle man. But he doesn't seem to like me", she looked at her feet curling their fingers.

"Did you perhaps know about jungkook.."

"What about him?"

"Mr Jeon wants to keep this secret from you and your mother but i just think you need to know. He actually had a boyfriend and they broke up"

"Boy..friend??", Jieun didn't even think he was gay.

"Yes. I think i've been such an ignorant mother, i just thought putting him up with you would be okay since his father thinks he's bi. But i'm pretty sure he's not", Mrs Jeon calmly explained.

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