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"Don't you think we're meeting quite often?" Jimin asked Taemin who's focusing on his laptop,

"What you don't like it?" he gazed at the smaller

"I don't dislike it" Jimin looked down to his phone vibrating and immediately tapped the red button declining the call,

"Actually i have a reason for you coming here to my office" Taemin came to sit next to Jimin on the couch,

Jimin moved a bit to the other side thinking he's too close,

"I'm doing a shortlist for a collaboration with another company. It's a sports branding company and they want people like you to model their products" he poured Jimin a tea,

"Don't they provide themselves models? It's a clothing company duh" Jimin bewildered his expression,

"Well the CEO there likes taking risks. And he's known for that. I expect you to agree" he smiled charmingly at Jimin,

Jimin's mouth slightly parted looking at the director who's features were like a model's himself. No wonder people praise him for his existence. He stared at the sharp jawline and tempting skin on the neck, fairer than his own.

His body line showed his manliness side and the hair was as messy like it was intended to bounce every inch he moved. He couldn't imagine how close he's by his side right now that he could just touch those thick lips and-


"Oh um sorry. Where were we?" Jimin snapped out feeling a little hot as he was lost at the moment,

"Are you okay? You don't look so good" the taller put his hand on Jimin's forehead lifting the fringe upwards,

Jimin leaned back a little and shuddered at the sudden contact looking away from the man's eyes,

"You have a fever"

"Uh no i'm fine" Jimin abruptly got up to get away from the awkward moment and made his way to the door,

Taemin just trailed his eyes at Jimin as he stopped before turning the knob,

"I will participate on your offer. Thank you" he left without saying goodbye closing the door behind him.


"I'm dead"

Hyongju laughed his intestine out choking on the soup his sipping on,

"Jimin hear me out. You guys were alone and specifically with the most wanted man in this whole agency. Maybe that's why you're flushed when he got closer"

"Yeah i know. But he's been so kind to me i just don't get it" Jimin pulled his hair smashing his forehead with a slow bump on the table.

"So you want people to treat you badly?" Hyongju shook his head,

"That's not what i meant. I just don't want to fall for him. Or for anyone" Jimin said almost whispering

"Are you scared?" Hyongju asked in concern,

"You can say that. I'm not ready to let people come into my life and just let them break then leave me. I've had enough of that" Jimin sighed


That day after, the light was shining bright through the window of an empty studio. Jimin passed by as he went inside closing the door behind him. He stood and looked at himself in the mirror.

He stared at himself long enough as he snapped out. He took of his shoes putting it aside with his bag and went through his phone shuffling his playlist to skinny love by birdy.

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