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The whole house turned into a horrible silence.

Jimin's eyes flickered a few times after the plate was smashed by the wall into pieces. The meal he prepared for Jungkook was splattered and stained everywhere on the floor and some on the wall.

Jimin let go off the chopsticks and from the table he took his hands to his laps. He hid them underneath as they began trembling. He was afraid.

Afraid for what Jungkook did as he couldn't control his temper. He tried to focus his sight at somewhere else feeling his heart was unstable.

But in a way he was also afraid of Jungkook knowing his reason for avoiding him this whole time.

His reason for waking up in the same bed with his best friend though nothing happened.

Jungkook realised he crossed beyond the line making Jimin stared at him as though he might eat him alive right there.

He sighed for what he did as he rubbed his face in his palms and pulled his own hair.

"Fuck.. I'm sorry" Jungkook mumbled still palming his face in his hands.

Jimin didn't say anything. It was his first time seeing Jungkook ever so angry like this. He never knew his lover had such colours. Somehow in some angle it reminded him of Junghyun.

A similar resemblance. 'Like brother, like brother' if he could put it that way.

"I'll just clean that up" Jungkook calmly said as he got up to the mess he made.

Jimin was too terrified that he left the table and hurriedly locked himself in the guest's room. The slam of the door and the click of the lock had Jungkook turn around to his knowledge Jimin wasn't at the table anymore.

Jungkook sighed deeply at his fault.

Again. He began figuring out ways to talk to Jimin but what he'd done must've encouraged Jimin more to leave his house and specifically, to leave his side.

Jimin inside the room curled himself up into the sheets still mesmerised in terror at the traumatic scene that happened moments ago.

What happened just now..

Did i hear wrong..

He knew about Junghyun..

But how..

Maybe he's referring to something else..

Yes. Don't tell him anything yet..

I might misunderstand.

But what if-

Knock knock
"Just please, don't go near the bath tub. I beg you" Jungkook from the other side of the door asked for Jimin.

Hearing that, Jimin held his chest as his anxiety began wilding up and his heartbeat was as rapid as though it's about to burst.

He took deep breaths again and again calming himself down quietly.


"Just seriously what is wrong with you?" Hobi said as he was invited into the house.

Jungkook thought that Jimin needed someone to console him and he knew he was the worse choice.

So he called Hobi. But secretly, not wanting to let the other guys know. Especially the hyungs since they had their trust in him to take care of Jimin.

Jungkook trailed behind Hobi at the door before knocking and calling out for Jimin.

"Jiminie.. it's me, can you let me in?" Hobi asked and in a few seconds after, the door was opened but Jimin hid himself behind it so he wouldn't see the taller.

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