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"Yknow i could've asked the maids to do all of these" jungkook interrupted jimin who's placing layers after layers of lasagne.

"I like to do things myself kookie." Jimin mumbled as he's focusing to decorate the meal gorgeously.

Jungkook leaning back on the kitchen counter just examining what his boyfriends was doing from his back. Moving there and there reaching ingredients and tools preparing the dish.

"Where do you even learn all this? Top Chef ?" The taller approached jimin hugging him from the back bending down a little to his shoulders.

"Eomma" jimin responded as if he was whispering while mixing the icing with food colouring.

Jungkook took a second bitting his inner cheek before anything.

"You never talked about your mum. And i mean both parents." as he let go off the hug leaning back at the counter.

Jimin took a short breath before turning around to jungkook who's expecting him to tell things he's curious to know.

Right, he deserves to know.

"Eomma, she.. she sacrificed a lot. For me, my dad" he looked to his feet, "she'd always lock me in my room" jungkook raised his eyebrows,

"So she'd be the only one beaten by dad. He's often drunk and comes home hitting me and mum"

"I'm sorry" jungkook held jimin by his waist so he'd look up at him,

"Am not done yet. I punched him once cause he tried to hit my mum with a bottle. I punched him the second time cause.." jimin paused tracing his hands on jungkook's chest

"Cause he ripped off my clothes to rape me"

"Babe.." jungkook was checking if jimin cried,

"Mum told me to run away. She said she'll be okay. That's why i came to Seoul." he shrugged and jungkook took him into a warm and tight hug caressing his back.

"Sorry i didn't know before" jungkook whispered in the hold

"It's not your fault. I don't really mind anyway"

"I do. You're mine so i need to know these kind of things. Especially this" the hug parted

"Whatever kookie" jimin rolled his eyes,

"It's almost bed time" jungkook whined being clingy tugging jimin's sweater as he continued preparing,

"Go first. I'll be upstairs in thirty minutes"

"Thirty ?! That's like forever" he sighed

Jimin turned around again tiptoeing to the taller's face giving a peck on the lips. Jungkook chuckled as he grinned, "be quick" as he went upstairs sloppily.

After awhile jungkook woke up in the middle of the night, looking to his side of bed that's still empty. He turned to the night stand picking up his phone, eyes narrowed as the only light source shone. It was 2am.

"Babe ?" as he went downstairs rubbing his eyes that barely opened as he looked around the kitchen.

The lamp was still on, the oven was turned off, ingredients and kitchen tools were left messy on the counter not cleaned up, very unlike jimin as he's done doing things cause tidying up was his priority. But he wasn't there.

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