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"You are discharged", the doctor flipped through the papers.

"What ? Why..", Hobi on the bed turned to Yoongi.

"I'm getting you a personal doctor. So you can stay at home", Yoongi picked up his stuff.

"And a friendly advice. Don't do exaggerating activities and eat well", the doctor smiled.

"Thanks doc"

Yoongi drove Hobi home.

As Hobi entered the house he looked everywhere around. Missing home more than he could ever imagine.

He passed by the couch touching the leather with the tip of his fingers as he walked.

He stopped at a mirror in the middle of a souvenir wardrobe looking at himself. Yoongi was behind him too.

"I look different don't i ?", he stared.

Yoongi hugged him from behind still looking at the mirror.

"It's still you"

"You cleaned the house for me?", Hobi walked ahead into the living room.

"Of course", Yoongi proudly crossed his arms.

"All by yourself ?", Hobi asked raising his eyebrow.

"Well..i kinda asked Jimin to come over the other day", Yoongi scratched his head shameless.

Hobi laughed a little.

"Oh wow. You bought that too ??", Hobi looking so excited as he pointed at a claw machine near the couch filled with Pokemon characters running towards it.

"I'm completing your wish list", Yoongi spoke as he walked towards Hobi who didn't look at him.

"That's great ! I'm gonna win all of—"

Hobi was turned around at the waist by the claw machine. Both his hands rested on it. Another pair of hands roamed at his waist up his torso.

His eyes flickered several seconds just until he forced them shut. That's when his lips were hungrily eaten.

Yoongi stood close as he tasted the lips. He leaned forward again and again nibbling the chapped lips before him with his teeth. He trailed his hands up to the face holding it under the jawline. His thumb caressed the area every time he changed positions.

Hobi's legs spread open as he sat on the claw machine. He wrapped his hands around Yoongi's back clawing it.

When they kissed and it felt like.. finally..

Hobi was the best thing Yoongi had ever waited for. The way he kissed him. The way he smelled. The way he grabbed his waist and pulled him in. How can he let go all of that ?

Yoongi pulled him close enough that their noses clashed. Sucking the lower lip so long and releasing it with a smooch.

Hobi rested his forehead on Yoongi's. His eyes were still not open and Yoongi just stared at the beautiful male right in front of him.

Yoongi could hear the soft steamed pant coming out from Hobi. He could tell how desperate and sad Hobi was as he still gripped and clawed his back.


"Uh?", Hobi opened his eyes.

"There's something about you I'm scared to lose because i know i won't find it in anyone else", Yoongi whispered.

"Yoongi you promised you wont make me sad", Hobi quietly said.

"I'm sorry i know i shouldn't"

"Hey", Hobi held his face up with his hands, "It's alright"

Yoongi hugged him. Slowly, Hobi's shirt became damp and wet. It was tears.

He tried to hold in it but he kept it to himself for so long that now at the very moment he needed to let it all out.

Hobi hugged at his head stroking the hair.

"It's alright", he repeated.

Upstairs that night,

Hobi sitting on top of Yoongi just stared at him. Both naked. Only the blanket covered their lower abdomens.

Yoongi with his head rested back stroked Hobi's thighs back and forth. He could see the literal collarbone so clearly obvious. It's sad that he's getting skinnier.

"I still wanna be beautiful for you. I'm sorry", Hobi quietly spoke.

"You never stop being so beautiful", Yoongi tilted his head looking at a better angle.

Hobi took his hands playing with the fingers.

"Why don't you ever complain ?", Hobi asked leaning forward.

"Because i know you're doing the right thing. And stopping you is no use", Yoongi answered sincerely.

"Yoongi i'm.. allowing you to find someone else when i'm gone", Hobi avoided eyes.

"I'm not having it", he shook his head.

"You're not seriously gonna come to me everyday are you?"

"If nothing stops me then that's all that i'll do"

"You have a whole life ahead. You can do so many things and you have lots of time"

"No. I'll be there with you. Sooner or later"

"Stopping you is no use too", Hobi smirked hugging him from above.

"I know. So don't try to. It's just the matter of time", Yoongi rubbed his back.

Hobi rested his head on Yoongi's chest while the latter played with his hair. Quietly, he began making tracing circles on Yoongi's buitl breast.

He got up a little and bit there. Sucking and bitting till it left a mark.

"Babe..", Yoongi held the head.

"I've always wanted to do that", Hobi wiped the area as the skin slowly turned red.

"It's all yours", Yoongi gave a grin.

"Really ?", Hobi leaned down to kiss him.

He then was flipped over and Yoongi hovered on top of him. He took over the attack making all the soldiers on Hobi's side fall down.

He moved from one spot to another. From lips to neck. From neck to chest. From chest to nipple.

Claiming whatever was his.

"Can you go for another round ?", Yoongi whispered.

"Yeah", Hobi nodded.

Yoongi climbed upwards kissing him again.

"You sure ? I wont worn you out so much tonight", he slipped his fingers under Hobi's ass sticking one in him.

Hobi raised his hips up arching his back. As Yoongi stuck deeper, he gripped on the bed sheets harder.

"tell me if it hurts", Yoongi whispered near his ear.

"I'm..i'm not gonna tell you", Hobi panted and shook his head with a naughty grin.

"We'll see about that", he went for the neck.

"Yoongi !"

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