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"Are we there yet?", Jimin panted bending down to his knees after a long climb of a hill in an unfamiliar village.

"Almost. Wah Jimin this is just walking to my house not yet the fun part", Hobi shook his head and pulled his friend's arm to continue walking.

"Like why can't we ask Jungkook to send us up to your house just now?", Jimin asked lazily.

"You blind? The road isn't even a metre wide", Hobi stumping his feet a few times stating the obvious.

"So you walk all the time?"

"It's part of me living here", Hobi shrugged and smiled the duh, "and we are here!".

Hobi entered the open gate and saw an old man crouching down at some bush pulling the weeds off. He smiled from far and ran towards him, "Dad !".

Before the father could say anything he immediately hugged on his back and the elder just laughed, "Son i'm sweating"

"I don't mind at all. I'm smelly too right now", Hobi let go and the latter stroked his hair.

"You have a friend..", he asked addressing Jimin at the gates standing there with two hands appropriately locked at his front.

"I'm Jimin", he bowed to him.

"Yes yes i'm Mr Jung", he smiled too.

"He's my soulmate", Hobi put his arm against Jimin's shoulder introducing him.

"You're not with that Min anymore?", Mr Jung asked cluelessly.

"Ahh dad! Soulmate as in he'll be my best man later", Hobi corrected laughing along with his dad.

"Come in come in", the elder waved calling Jimin walked from the gate.

Jimin looked around at the table he sat. Glancing over the house, quite old, a little dusty but comfy as it's home.

"I'm taking a shower. You?", Hobi asked Jimin before entering his room.

"You first".

Jimin got bored and joined Hobi's mum in the kitchen. She saw Jimin naturally stirred the pan with a spatula while she was cutting the veges. She chuckled when Jimin added a luttle salt after tasting it.

"You seem to know what you're doing", Mrs Jung commented.

"I learned a lot from my mum", Jimin shyly looked down.

"She must be very lucky to have a son like you"

"You're lucky as well. Hobi is a very nice friend, he helped me a lot since highschool"

"I'm glad he did, thank you Jimin for being by his side"

"It's nothing Mrs Jung", Jimin smiled and took a serving plate at the dry kitchen.

"No really. At times like this, all he needs is people to care and be there for him"

"..times like this?", Jimin repeated to make sure.

"Helping him through this is a lot of effort. Me and his dad just hope he'll spend his days happily and make sure he has no regrets later. We owe you and Yoongi a lot"

Mrs Jung's words had Jimin turned silent feeling clueless. Mrs Jung just took the plate from him and insisted to serve the meal.

"Go on, i'll prepare the rest"

Jimin entered Hobi's room and casually sat on his bed. Hobi was playing with a cute puppy and put it down on Jimin's lap.

"Mickey", he said and Jimin stroked the puppy's head.

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