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Jungkook laughed the crack out along with Junghyun as he went back to his seat.

Jungkook pulled Jimin's arm to sit. He rubbed Jimin's hands again and again. Jimin's face was still in disbelief.

"Jimin we're joking", Jungkook finished his over achieving trick on Jimin.

"The hell was that ??", Jimin gasped in annoyance.

"You see your boyfriend planned all this", Junghyun said.

"Really huh ?", Jimin pinched Jungkook hard.

"H-hey ! Okay we were wrong !", Jungkook snickered calming Jimin down who felt betrayed.

"You, were wrong", Junghyun defended himself.

"Yeah you're brothers alright", Jimin shook his head.

"Okay now for the serious shit", Junghyun sat straight looking at Jimin.

"Hyung i hope it's not a surprise i came so sudden", Jimin smile peeked.

"No not at all. I was hoping you'd come from day one", he waved hands.

"You didn't ask me at all though", Jimin told Jungkook.

"Don't blame him, Jimin. I know you have your own ideas of coming here so i waited till you're ready. And i can still wait, i'm not going anywhere yknow", Junghyun shrugged.

"We both have been looking forward then"

"Seems that way", Junghyun scratched his head embarrassed.

"Does Sunmi noona visit often ?"

"She's still in Japan. I don't expect her to wait but she did call..twice"

"And she's still hoping", Jimin nodded understanding the situation.

"Anyway..", Jungkook broke the awkward silence.

"Oh about coming here.. we just wanted to tell you that we're getting m-"

"Married ? I know", Junghyun nodded, "kookie told me and i'm happy for both of you. Truly", he held his chest.

"I wish you'd be there hyung", Jungkook turned blue.

"Me too", Junghyun held the glass door with prints of his fingers and Jungkook did the same.

Just a glass wall away to be together again, the long lost brothers.

After awhile the buzzer came off.

"Latex.. you mean condom ??", Junghyun rubbed his teary eyes from laughing too hard.

"Yeah he never told me until a week ago", Jimin poked Jungkook who was embarrassed and covering his red face.

"That's supposed to be our little secret !", Jungkook whined.

"You don't keep secrets from me kooks", Junghyun waved his finger a no no.

The police in charged opened the door making the three turn.

"Time's up", he alerted.

"Oh", Jimin and Jungkook got up leaving the lunch box at the small door where Junghyun could reach it.

"From mum", Jungkook said.

"Tell her i said i love you", Junghyun got up too.

"See you next time hyung", Jimin waved following behind Jungkook leaving the door.


The smaller turned to the caged man raising a questionable face.

"I'm sorry. For everything that happened between us. Just in case we can't meet anymore, i'm taking the chance. Forgive this clumsy me", Junghyun calmly apologised.

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