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"I'm sorry i didn't tell you" Jimin looked down to his feet as be approached his friend from behind.

Tae didn't say anything and kept staring at the night sky at the balcony. The other guys stayed the night including him except that Tae would be staying in Seoul for a week.

The main reason was to hang out with Jimin.

And now he needed answers to his questions he's been dying to know.

He needed the truth.

"You never realised how much you like a person until they like someone else" Tae didn't blink as he responded. He tried holding back the tears so bad.

"Taehyung ah i know i should've told you earlier"

"And why didn't you?"

"I-i didn't want to see you get hurt" jimin said quietly

"The decision you made not telling me, hurts me a million times more"

"I'm sorry taetae" Jimin stared at him as he apologised and Tae finally looked at him

"I'm not mad at you jimin. How could i?" Jimin made a guilty eye contact squeezing his own forearm being mad at himself on the inside.

"It just hurts me when you weren't there for me anymore. And it was the day after i told you how i feel. How you made me feel" Tae approached him and stopped a step away,

"Tae I-"

"You could've said you didn't feel the same back then. I thought.." he scoffed at himself, "i thought you'd come back to me. So i waited"

"Tae i'm so very sorry. Really i didn't mean to keep you waiting or hurt your feelings. I was too scared so i ran away, and i still am. I didn't get to see my mum yet. And my dad.. he would choke me to death if i ever come back" jimin held tae's hands in his waiting for a respond.


Just something from his friend's mouth to kill the awful silence.

"You could've told me that too." he held back his flooded eyes

"It's okay now. I just don't want to leave your side. Even as a friend" Tae smiled weakly as he went inside leaving him at the balcony.

Jimin froze at the spot. He knew very well that Tae was the type to act as though nothing happened the next morning. He would show off his cute boxy smile when deep inside he's actually hurt more than anyone.

And he found that normal for him.

But Jimin could never ignore the fact that hus friend was actually faking for half of his life. He did try making Tae talk about it but he'd always change subjects. He just didn't like it.

Telling people how he felt. It won't help him in either way. And telling Jimin how he felt differently towards him was a lifetime experience cause he rarely showed his true colours to anyone. Because trust was bothering him. How it's hard for him to have trust on anyone.

And Jimin leaving him the other day just shattered his hopes into tiny million pieces. But he promised to be by Jimin's side since the day he met him.

And thick or thin he'll be there for him.


"This is crazy delicious" Namjoon dug in the pancakes mumbling as he ate

"Yeah, just like a mum-style-delicious" Yoongi took another bite

"Good thing i don't need a maid anymore" Jungkook snickered teasing Jimin.

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