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"Is it really happening ??!" A girl from asked her friend who's jumping in excitement

"I just passed by the meeting room and they were signing to agree !" the group of girls jumped in their place as if they'd crash through the rooftop.

The other students were walking by in the corridor exchanging clueless faces and simultaneously shrugged after hearing what the girls were screaming about.

"Make way people" the well known annoying talk of the school, dear vice principal of the school who's always in the heads of the students and teachers with her extremely red lipstick waving off her hands in the air between the students as she walked by in her loud thumping high heels holding a huge paper in her hands rolled into a scroll.

She stopped at the bulletin board clearing her throat as she usually would. She'd even cause a fuss announcing either both good and crap news from the principal when she could just simply paste it on the board for the students could read themselves.

So much for publicity. But the students lazily paid attention anyway cause it might be 'important' for them.

Important for them as in a sudden week of closing school or fastfood available in the cafeteria or maybe a permission to use smartphones fully in class.

Who knows right?

The vice opened the scrolled paper and read the 70 sized font announcement printed on it to the students, "I, principal Choi Ji Seok, hereby officially announce and agree to allow the abolishment of school uniforms and attires as a necessity to all students in any grade or year of study"

With that the whole corridor turned into a whole party cheering as the official announcement was made. Students running everywhere spreading the news to their classmates, calling their parents, and the guys began stripping their uniforms off leaving their tanks exposed.

"Some day you all be kneeling to me when i'm principal " the woman stormed off leaving the chaotic scene.

It's been half than a year since school began.

Yoongi got into college doing business studies.

Hobii, jimin and jungkook were in the last year which was the senior year just couldn't wait

Jin and namjoon had finally settled their lives in Korea. Jin continued his studies in meds while namjoon was considering the offer of working with yoongi later when he's taking over the company. So meanwhile he's applying for a part time in private tutoring.

Jungkook's brother, Junghyun had some business to take care at his company so he flew back to Japan with Sunmin and promised jungkook he'll come home right before Christmas.

"You've heard?" Hobii panting as he came running to get jimin and jungkook in class who were not so focused finishing their homework.

"What? About me failing in maths? It's out already? How did they knowwww??" Jungkook anxiously bit his lips as he gripped his own hair making hobii responded in a 'what the-" look.

"No.. wait an F? I mean about the new rule" hobii shook jimin's hand resting on the table side to side making the pen fall off from his fingers.

"I know. Now i need to mix match my crappy wardrobe. I can't even wear my socks as pairs anymore" jimin said in a bitchy tone

"Babe you can use my clothes." Jungkook offered with a duh on his face.

"Just so you know for dating me after a year and a half, you're 5"10 and i'm just 9! I'll be dragging your pants on the floor everyday at school" Jimin pouted shifting his eyes grumpily to his boyfriend which jungkook pinched his cheek finding him adorable.

"I can go shopping with you. I never go shopping with anyone but my mum." Hobii raised a brow. "And she always make me model bras for her to choose" he whispered to jimin's ears close enough for the shorter to smack him on the back.

"This weekend" hobii added as he went back to his seat. Before he sat his ass on the assigned chair, he turned around facing jungkook who was about to continue doing homework, "pfftt, an F? In maths?" , his voice was loud enough as he laughed out loud for the whole class to hear,

"Hobiiiiiii..." jungkook hid his face behind jimin screaming and whining like a maniac while jimin mind his own business.


He looked at the person in the mirror from head to toe. Speechless was what he spitted out, too amazed of the familiar reflection but as a completely different person.

The quickest way to acquire self confidence is to do exactly what you're afraid to do.

"Eomma.." jimin stared at himself.

"Jimin ah are you done?" Hobii called for him from the outside as he kicked open the dressing room door.

"Damn jiminie. Looking like this i think kookie would ask for your number all over again" jimin sighed a chuckle as hobii scanned him in the mirror.

"I don't know hobii" jimin scratched his head as he looked at himself wearing a yellow denim jacket with a black Supreme tshirt, a black tight jeans and a pair of boots a few inches above his ankle.

He felt a little insecure as he wasn't really used to this style of fashion. And it's only for school. Why wear an outfit that cost over thousands just to sit in his chair listening to the teacher babbling things he couldn't promise he'd take note?

But even without them, he's already the school's flowers boy.


everyone including the girls admired his presence and would die to be with him though they knew he's gay.

And taken. :) and Jimin.. he's just humble.

Very humble.

He didn't even know that the crumpled papers left in his backpack were love letters from students he never even met before. So he'd always threw it away thinking it's rubbish.

Too bad.

"Trust me jiminie. You look nice as hell with that face of yours. The guys would go crazy chasing for you" hobii took off the jacket ready to wear jimin another one folded hanging on his arm like a waiter.

"I just wanna know what kookie thinks" jimin still staring into the mirror as hobii stretched his hand out putting on a Puma jacket.

"Oh hun, no need to worry bout that"

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