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Jimin scanned the models who were circling around him down the stage one by one. He was in charged as leader so he got to wear the main designed outfit and also handle the group.

"You, how tall is your heels?", Jimin pointed at a guy in with an outfit and face more of a drag queen. 

"7 inches", he looked down at his heels.

"If you're uncomfortable you can get rid of them to 5 cause you're already six foot", Jimin suggested and the model nodded.

"Jimin", one of the staffs called.

"Yes?", he turned around to him seeing him quite busy, "you guys can rehearse in a few minutes on set", Jimin politely told the group.

"There's a delivery for you", the staff held a bouquet of yellow roses and giving it to Jimin.

"For me?", Jimin looked at the card and there was no name, just a short note you are a beautiful flower, wild and beautiful and drenched in the sun.

Jimin smiled reading it and before going back to the stage he saw people making way and greeting Jungkook politely as he walked in.

Jungkook was already grinning on the way and walked towards Jimin. He swiftly held the shorter's waist and gave him a kiss on the lips.

People around were all shipping them, covering their mouths gasping in excitement seeing the two being annoyingly cute together.

"You've been busy", Jungkook said quietly.

"I am. Did you call? My phone's not with me"

"I did but nothing important. Just wanna go for lunch", Jungkook kissed him again as he nodded.

"Thank you for the flowers. But it's yellow, just so yknow yellow means friendship", Jimin held the bouquet.

"That's not from me", Jungkook leaned back looking at the card.

"Again? I thought you sent them", Jimin was also clueless.

"Oh man i can't go to business trips anymore or this guy will follow you around..", Jungkook shook his head, "wait what? Again? What do you mean ??"

"Don't be ridiculous. I received other things too", Jimin shrugged.

"You what??", Jungkook's eyes grew wide.

"Wait in the car", Jimin left him while holding the flower to the backstage.

"Throw that junk!", Jungkook shouted but Jimin ignored.

"Can i move my schedule to evening ?", Jimin asked a staff with a mic on and a setlist in her hands.

"Sure but why?"

"I have a lunch date", Jimin whispered and the staff smiled mischievously.

"I'll call you when the set is done then you can come. Have fun"

In the car,

"Aren't you too busy to have lunch with me?", Jimin fully turned to Jungkook whose driving calmly.

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