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"Now as i turn this on don't blink for three seconds", the doctor said facing Hobi.

He slightly held his head with the torch at the back of his pen in front of the male's eye. He examined a little and stood up going back at his desk.

He began writing stuff on papers clicking his tongue a few times.

Hobi looked up behind him as he felt Yoongi's hands travelled on his shoulder massaging him a little bit.

"Did you take meals properly?", the doctor politely asked.

"Three times a day at least", Hobi replied.

"Okay, don't skip meals. Diet is unnecessary for you because you're very close to underweight", Hobi nodded, "Do you have any other allergies or weird habits internally?", the doctor continued.

"Lately i felt like my lungs were throbbing and i began shaking on the outside"

"When is that?", the doctor looked up at Hobi.

"Excuse me?"

"When did that happen?", he repeated.

"Oh, when ? Uhm..", Hobi turned to Yoongi asking for help.

"We were having sex. That's when", Yoongi was brutally honest rescuing Hobi at the moment.

"No worries for that. But it happens when your actions are rather exaggerating", the doctor simply responded.

"Doctor, are you directly commenting on us having se—"

Hobi slapped Yoongi's hands making him jolt a little and the doctor happened to laugh.

"No Mr Min, activities that are exaggerating or that involves a lot of rough movements can trigger the inner parts that's already infected. Like the lungs, not only from sex don't worry", the doctor corrected himself.

"Is his lungs really infected based on what he felt?", Yoongi asked.

"We will confirm after running the first test, if yes then we need to continue for chemo"

"Chemo? To that extent?", Yoongi asked gasping a little.

"Yoongi..", Hobi held his hands and Yoongi just looked down in worry.

"Lupus..well it is inherited. It may not be from your mum or dad, it can be from your great grandparents too. Your immune system becomes hyperactive so they attack the healthy tissues on any internal organs nearby and the infection spreads itself so the faster we do chemo since Mr Jung only feels weird at the lungs, we may prevent the swelling quicker. Especially at heart", the doctor calmly explained.

"How is it any different than cancer?"

"Lupus and cancer..they only have one similarity. They are incurable".

Hobi hearing that felt like his heart sank. He held back whatever that came in his mind trying to stay strong in front of Yoongi.

They stepped out as they were done. Yoongi turned to Hobi and just stared at him. Hobi smiled, though he couldn't bare it.

Tears began flowing.

Hobi pulled him into a hug and just like that they both cried. It's rare to see Yoongi crying. And there he was in his lover's hold whimpering and hissing.

"I can't lose you..how can i ever?", Yoongi quietly said.

"Hey, he said i can still prevent it, if we're quick enough i'll be fine", Hobi responded unable to look at Yoongi in the eyes.

"I'll fight for you.. by any means i promise i'll be by your side"

"Okay babe let's fight together".

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