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"Hyung you got my keys?" Jungkook asked while munching on his breakfast,

Junghyun tossed the key to his brother's hands whose up in the air catching it,

"Don't lose it again" Junghyun passed behind Jungkook walking out at the balcony of the hotel room.

From behind, Jungkook looked at him feeling curious of what he's thinking. He got next to him leaving the leftovers of his meal.

"Yah go back inside. I'm taking a smoke" Junghyun pushed him lightly,

"Oh hyung, you care so much about my lungs but what about yours?" Jungkook snickered,

"Just cause.. it's a habit" he continued and Jungkook just chuckled while looking at the view,

"Kookie ah, can you stay another night here?"

"Why's that?"

"I need to take care of something" he planned something in mind,

"But i miss Jimin already"

"Well i guess you don't miss your brother, i'll be flying back this weekend. And isn't his friend staying for a few more days? He has company"

Jungkook couldn't possibly refuse his brother. For any means, even Jimin. He's afraid that one mistake may destroy his relationship with his brother and they might go back to the miserable days like in the past. And it's the only brother he had. So why not..

"I can do another night. Make sure you buy me lots of churros. The chef here is the best!" Jungkook grabbed his brother's arms.

"Ok ok. Have as many churros you like. Now get inside! I won't tell mum why you'll be lying in the hospital later. You inhaled the smoke like ten times already" he pushed the younger away.

As Jungkook got inside, Junghyun glared to the front and took out his phone from his pocket and began dialling a number, cigarette still in his fingers, "send someone to my brother's house and clean the room, don't leave a single file and check on the boys. Tell me what they're doing"


"Are you ok?" Tae asked from behind at the kitchen counter as he saw Jimin stopped cutting the vegetables longer than be should.

Jimin was staring at the empty wall. Still in shock of what happened between him and Junghyun that morning.

Why was he so mad? Maybe he's tired from work.

But he pushed me so aggressively.

Did i cross a line? It's so not like him.

"Ouch!" Jimin moved back dropping the knife startled at the side of his index finger, a flow of red liquid a result of the cut he did to himself accidentally.

Tae rushed to come around the counter pulling Jimin's hand to the sink rinsing the cut once and wrapped his finger using the nearest cloth he could reach.

"Don't doze off while cutting idiot" Tae scolded while grabbing Jimin's wrist neatly wrapping the cloth assuring the blood stopped coming out.

After awhile of rinsing, Tae took a look at Jimin's hand examining it like a doctor,

"Do you have a first aid kit?" Jimin nodded pointing to the drawer near him.

While Tae was treating the patient, Jimin hissed and hissed as the cut was quite deep almost having his flesh cut off.

"Tsk don't be careless with your precious body" hearing Tae saying that bluntly, Jimin admired his friend's sincerity for caring him.

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