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"Oh sure", Jimin put his phone down.

He sat on the bed next to Jungkook who's watching tv opposite him. He then took Jungkook's hands into his.

"What?", Jungkook turned to him confused.

"It's Jin hyung's birthday", Jimin pursed his lips.

"Uh huh?"

"It's a party", he continued.

"He's throwing himself a party?"

"The guys.. and they invited me to help. There's gonna be a few more of his friends too"

"Then let's go", Jungkook shrugged.

"Kookie i'm thinking about us right now. Do you really wanna go together?", Jimin asked in concern.

"What? You're expecting we go separately and like oh, what a coincidence"

"..yeah", Jimin devilishly smiled.

Jungkook sighed and held both of Jimin's shoulder making the smaller face him. He then pulled him into a hug. Jimin rested his chin on the taller's shoulder and waited.

The hug was just a hug. No squeezing, no stroking. Just a silent warming hug.

"Say something", said Jimin.

"Look at me"

Jungkook released Jimin and he looked at the innocent bean.

"Let's go together.."


"Together, and we expose ourselves. Why wait? Someday somehow they're gonna know anyway. And yoongi and hobi, they already did. Only namjoon and jin hyung left", Jungkook calmly suggested.

"Tae's coming too.. and i'm just afraid he'll lash on you..", Jimin was kind of worried.

"Why would he lash on me?", Jungkook acted as if he didn't know.

"Kookie i've been a secret from you about Tae. About why Tae was with me the day i found out about Junghyun", Jimin sighed.

"Wasn't it because he found out too?"

"Yeah but it's more than that..", Jimin looked down to his laps.

"That you were his highschool crush till then?", Jungkook didn't waste any time.

"How did you—"

"That he was disappointed you ended up with me and you didn't tell him? That you kept him waiting but you didn't know?"

"Did he tell you?? but when..", Jimin was a but startled.

"That doesn't matter cause he's okay that you're with me now and i promised him i wont break your heart easily anymore "

"Now?? Okay there's a lot i don't know right now"

"Jiminie.. Tae was first to know. He could tell right away when i asked where your house was", Jungkook flicked the smaller's forehead.

"Ouh..", Jimin was dumbfounded. Why didn't he even think of that before? Maybe he was too overwhelmed in the sadness during his grief for his father.


That night,

Hobi and Yoongi lifted the things needed to decorate the whole living room. Namjoon got the equipments for the cake ready. Just need to wait for Jimin to come and prepare it.

Hobi began putting up the colourful letters and hung them up above the dining table.

"Don't you think it's a bit childish?", Yoongi asked while holding a balloon in his hands trying to tie its end.

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