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Jimin was about to get into his manager's car until a car came to block their way at the parking lot. A familiar man came out reaching for him,

"Are you his manager?" Taemin asked Hyongju who rolled down his window giving a silent nod,

"Director nim what are you doing here?" Jimin was confused,

"I'm going to JFila company too. I want you to come with" Taemin grabbed him by his arm,

"But i can go with my manager" Jimin politely refused,

"Nope. You're going with me. You, take a day off" he smiled to Hyongju as he Jimin pulled his bag with him and didn't get to say goodbye to Hyongju who was left clueless.

The drive was silent. Awkward silence.

Jimin stole a glance at the director next to him and turned back to the front as he accidentally met eyes,

"What is it?" Taemin began the conversation,

"Why am i going with you instead of my manager?" he nervously asked

"You don't like being with me?" Taemin smirked looking at Jimin who sat not as comfortable,

"Why would you say that, of course i like it. I mean i hope it doesn't trouble you" Jimin cleared his throat in case he slipped his tongue,

"Not at all. I'm glad you like it" Taemin continued driving though Jimin was looking at him weirdly.

What is this weird feeling? Have i- No! No way! He's just being nice that's all.

And more charming every time we meet. No no no no no stop that nonsense you idiot!


"Do you have time for dinner?" Taemin standing tall next to Jimin leaned forward in the empty elevator,

"Well i have nothing to do tonight.." Jimin scratched his head looking down at his feet

"That's a yes then" he smiled to himself as the door opened,

"we're here"

Jimin trailed behind Taemin who led the way into the office where the CEO's secretary opened the door for them,

"My chingu!" Taemin attacked the man from behind as he hugged him as tight,

"Yah you almost gave me a heart attack!" the man trying to slip away from the hug,

Jimin stood at the place he was left. Right behind the ribcage, his heart was at a long pause as he saw the familiar man hugging with TaeMin.

Sports branding company..

'JFila'.. oh jimin why didn't you even thought of it before..

He took a few deep breaths and made himself visible at the chaotic greet. He bowed politely and stepped back to the man's surprise.

"Jimin?" Jungkook's eyes grew wider as he saw Jimin in the same room among the three.

Jimin gave another five degree bow. More like a lazy nod looking other ways.

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