Executed (one-shot/AU)

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imma just call 'em oneshots instead of drabbles (also drabbles are only supposed to be 100 words and mine definitely exceed that- )

listen this was going to be a fluffy Doc one-shot but ya'll have provoked me to write this (also thank god nothing dissolved into an actual argument i got mildly scared)

(warning: angst and death and gore specifically involving Ren and Keralis- )


He really never thought this would happen. He thought he would stay safe. He thought no matter how many stupid things he pulled, he would live.

Well, he thought wrong.

Now he was standing in the pouring rain withe gaze of the most Hermitcrew staring at him with blazing fury. Doc was stood behind him, threatening to push him over the edge of the plank and watch him helplessly drown in those dark waters.

Xisuma grinned hysterically. "You thought you could get away with this?!" he laughed. "Oh you measly pathetic swab... You've fucked up one too many times."

"I can't believe you!' BDubs yelled, tears streaming down his face. "You lied to them! You took advantage of them! You killed them!"

He remembered it clearly. When he tricked them into playing russian roulette. Then hearing the bullet fly through their heads. He had stared down at his hands in shock. He hadn't even registered the pain from the metal lodged in his arm.

D... did I really just kill them? Even it that was what he had intended, he never really thought how it would affect him. They were dead...

Ren wasn't the nicest to him, but at least he was enjoyable to talk with when he was drunk. And poor Keralis. He was only ever nice to him and what had he gotten? The cold hands of death.

"Turn around," EX hissed, glaring at him with piercing red eyes. Just like the color of blood... Ren and Keralis' blood...

He obediently turned around and ducked his head down. The greedy black waves crashed below him, threatening to reach up and suck him down to a watery grave.

He braced himself, awaiting the push. At least maybe he could survive for a little before hypothermia clawed him down...

Then he heard the cock of a gun. Realization sparked through him. They were going to shoot him! They really wanted him dead...

Well not today.

Without hesitation, he pushed himself into the swirling water below. He heard the gunshot above him and angry yells, but the crashing waves drowned out anything else. Through blurry eyes, he could see the Hermitcrew ship sailing away.

So they were just going to leave him for dead, huh? Maybe he didn't feel so bad for making them suffer...

He shook away the thought. Of course he felt bad! He'd killed two innocent people!

Sinking further into darkness, he let the dark ocean consume him. Barely above the waves he thought he could hear a cry, but that must have just been his imagination trying to taunt him.

Then arms hook under his. "Quickly! Pull him up!" The voice rang clearly through his ears as salt water dripped from his body.



... oops my hand slipped-

i really need to make less Grian focused chapters ^^;

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