appreciating the bby shadows

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bby shadows include; Warp, Rift, Exploit, and Intercept

-Exploit likes the cold because EX usually wears a scarf or sweater and Exploit gets to relax in comfy and snuggly clothes

-Intercept is just trying to be friends with everyone (keyword trying)

-Warp often invites over Exploit to hang out with him and Rift, and the three silently chat and mildly cuddle

-sometimes Intercept and Rift chill and talk about stuff (usually about the hermits and possible tea)

-Warp is the protecter of all three

-Warp and Exploit match in height, and Rift and Intercept are a bit shorter than them

-Rift and Warp usually wander around together and Rift just clings to Warp's waist as the taller watches out for danger

-all of the them have a cuddle pile (Rift is at the side clinging to Warp as usually) and if they're not being cuddled (cough Rift cough) they're lying on fluffy blankets

-while Ren usually has his ears upright and his tail wagging excitedly, Rift's ears are usually slightly flattened and his tail is curled around his leg

-Warp hisses and bares his teeth when he feels threatened

-Intercept has learned fluent sign language just so he can speak with Warp

-Intercept is dad, Warp is mom, Exploit and Rift are the kids

-*breathes in i just really like Warp and Rift okay-*

-they all have their own ways of communicating with Warp; Rift has gestures, Intercept has sign language, and Exploit has writing

-Exploit likes to write (usually poetry, sometimes stories)

i love them all so damn much ;-;

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