rambles/midnight thoughts

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you thought the cursed "midnight thoughts" was gone but boy were ya'll wrong-

-apparently the nHo got eaten by the ConVex?? dare i say kinky??

-i've just realized that since Keralis left in S3 and Scar joined in S4 and then they met with the whole alien thing, doesn't that mean that Keralis' first impression of Scar is him literally kidnapping him??

-uggghhh i wanna write angst but have literally no ideas except for fucking Watcher Grian but i'd like to stay away from that for now since it's so overrated -.-'

-if ya'll are up for it, i kinda wanna write about my persona meeting more hermits (specifically Ren because Aim has a fear of dogs)

-i have one word for ya'll: 👀

-what if Cub had the power to break the fourth wall (think Pinkie Pie style)

-i need some serious flex tape for all the doors i've been kicking down-

-did Doc loose his arm before or after S3?? because if it's after then Keralis would probs be very confused at the fact that Doc now has a robotic arm

-i keep wanting to call Keralis "Kerry" but that sounds like Karen goddamn it

-imagine: Doc in a tight white dress and boughie sunglasses and tall white heels and a purse and his entire outfit and strut just screams "i want the manager"

-any of ya'll know who Redvacktor is?? and the Vacktor family?? because X and EX and AX give me those vibes

-wanna know what's underrated? evil Mumbo

-i was thinking of evil Mumbo, then bee Mumbo, then i thought of Vektor from Despicable Me and like... Vektor Mumbo 👀??

-the minecraft roleplay My Street by Aphmau but it's recast with the hermits

-i was like "hey Ren could be Travis because flirty!" then i was like "wait but then that'd mean he'd be the demon-warlock-"

-i swear to god, everyone except basically Grian is underrated in the "be evil" category

-after seeing cactus-block's drawing of hot Badtimes on tumblr, i can't help but constantly imagine him as hot and i really hate myself rn -.-'

-shirtless Scar is kinda hot

-jeez i need to really stop being horny on main-

-speaking of that, hot Ren is hot

-Joe but JoJo's Bizarre Adventures

-Doc is the kinda person who can give anyone a fear kink

-what if the real reason the hermits stay up all the time is because they're all in a phantom cult and are worshipping the phantom gods

-My R but hermitcraft? My R but hermitcraft.

-you know i haven't really written angst or gore in awhile i really should get on that-

-concept: EX looses a bet with Xisuma and has to somehow mix a flirt into conversation with every hermit

-Tango in a school girl outfit Tango in a school girl outfit Tango in a school girl outfit-

-guys, Zloy drew Doc with Drocs

-there's a certain very toxic user on tumblr who coincidently shares the same name as my "ex-boyfriend" (im putting quotes because he was my bf in like 5th grade) so it's very awkward addressing them as their name but i can't use their user name because it's a youtuber so it's just very awkward ;-;

-i try my hardest not to name names of toxic people but you have no idea how much i want to vent about certain antis who think it's alright being little shits to everyone (especially when the antis are adULTS AND SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO HARASS AND SHAME PEOPLE FOR LIKING WHAT THEY LIKE)

-you ever realize how little you actually know about an online person you follow when you realize that you literally don't know their name, face, or voice

-hermits in onesies? hermits in onesies.

-am i gonna go through the effort to list everyone's different onesies? yeah maybe-

-Scar and Cub have matching Jellie-style onesies, Stress is a baby blue penguin, False is a giraffe, Cleo is a tiger, Doc is a frog, Ren is a monkey Wels is a lemur, Python is a mooshroom, Jevin is a light blue elephant, BDubs is a panda, Keralis is a walrus, Grian is an owl, Mumbo is racoon, Iskall is a seal, Tango is a fox, Zed is lamb, Impulse is a sloth, Joe is a horse, Xisuma is dinosaur, and EX is a pastel pink unicorn

-if you'd really like to know, Biffa would have a red chicken onesie

-yes the hermits do have a onesie day, thank you very much-

-*crying* i just want to see hermits in onesies is it too much to ask-

me: *eagerly awaiting valentines day because i know there's gonna be so much cute stuff*
also me: *realizes how much of an even bigger fucking mess tumblr will be*

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