buncho rando notos

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this titles got me thinking of "noot noot" (sorry it's very late rn and im quite delirious-)

so yeah a bunch of random hermitcraft notes, let's get into this

-Python's a snake hybrid meaning that he gets cold quite easily while Tango being a demon hybrid emits a lot of warmth, hence why they're cuddle buddies (you can't talk me out of the idea of Tango spooning Python alright- )

-on a related note, Python likes to transform into his smol snake form and rest in Jevin's hoodie pocket

-Mumbo using pick up lines on Iskall? Mumbo using pick up lines on Iskall.

-i bought some girl scout cookies from a friend and now i can't stop imaging little kid girl/boy scout hermits (Zed you're really killing me over here- )

-headcanon that Grian has a big gap in the front of his top teeth and he can whistle through it (also it just gives him a more child-like appearance which i love)

-*claps in i should really write more ConVex and RenDoc stuff but writer blocks hits ya hard ya know*

-*even more clapping in really need to write some Keralis and BDubs stuff but specifically Keralis because i love him*

-Keralis' personality gives me give big tsundere or possibly yandere vibes idk why

-Keralis being all jelly over BDubs and Doc's reunion gives me life-

-the kinda tsunderes of the server; Wels, EX, and Keralis

-yo remember when everything used to be super angsty haha me neither cuz most of it's now just  f l u f f  (for the better or for the worse, you decide)

-Grian with bright fucking parrot wings *sits down and crosses arms* you can't change my mind

-is Mumbo a virgin

-X and his sleep deprived ass literally survives on coffee until he ends up like collapsing on the couch at 2 in the afternoon

-hey im pretty sure that Zed is taller than Impulse and Tango irl but guess what im still making him the short bby-

-it's official, im a living mood

-i've realized now that you literally can't mix Tango's name into any ship name because it just comes out as Tan[insert suffix] (TanGri, Tanpulse, Tandaph-)

-i mean you could use the other part of his name but i think calling everyone tan is funnier-

-the best part about not actually watching the hermits and just basing all their personalities and stuff off tumblr posts and fanfics? you get to interpret them in interesting ways that can be really unique to your style and you can work out relationships and/or ships in interesting ways as well

-the worst part? everything's wildly inaccurate and can seem weird or out-of-character from other's point of view

-yo i haven't talked about NPG yet so let's do that-

-NPG is a clueless baby who's just trying to figure out everything; he's also fascinated by objects from other dimensions (such as blaze powder or enderpearls) and is absolutely oblivious to flirts

-so apparently Tango actually almost became part of the ConVex and like that'd be a really interesting AU-

-wait isn't Mumbo in a pink mustache just Markiplier-

-the normal hermitcraft world but everyone is the opposite species of what they normally are (Doc's half human half cat, Mumbo's part robot, Zed's part guardian because water and enderman also im not making him a fucking squid, etc)

-i was going to give Tango and Zed hybrid forms but then i was like "yo Zed would be so fucking tall and skinny af" and "im not making Tango some satan ass winged monkey from wizard of oz, he's already cursed enough-"

imagine: hermits but they're redesigned as tortilla chips

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