Nightly Cuddles (one-shot)

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im in a fluffy mood rn so ya'll are sparred from my midnight angst (also when i say "nightly cuddles" i mean just the fluffy kind not the adult kind- )

also also i very much intend on continuing to call Python, Wels, and Jevin's ship name PWJ because it sounds like PB&J which i like


When in came to PWJ, Python was usually in the middle of their cuddle pile. Snuggled between Jevin and Wels, the red head had fallen fast asleep as he clung to Wel's arm while Jevin's arm wrapped around his waist. Python made low humming noises as Wels ran a hand through his hair, gently scraping across his scalp. Soon, Wels started to doze off as well, resting his forehead against Python's and drifting into slumber. Jevin smiled contently, watching his boyfriends melt into sleep, and closed his eyes, resting his head in the crook of Python's neck and waiting for sleep to overtake him.

As usual, Impulse had dozed off on the couch with his phone resting loosely in his limp arm. Tango smiled softly and easily picked up Impulse, Zed quietly taking his phone and setting it on the coffee table. Impulse sleepily blinked open his eyes as Tango carried him to their bedroom (sounds like the start of a porno goddamn it). The blonde grinned to himself and tossed Impulse onto the neatly arranged bed, chuckling when the brunette yelped as he crashed into the soft mattress. Zed covered his mouth with his hand to contain his giggles as he crawled into under the covers alongside his boyfriend. Impulse pouted and immediately snuggled up against Zed's chest, murmuring to himself as Tango gently ran a hand through his hair. Zed giggled and planted a light kiss on the sleepy brunette's forehead, watching through half-lidded eyes as he drifted back asleep. Tango had wrapped his arms around Impulse's torso and very quickly fallen asleep, purring quietly as nuzzled against Impulse's cheek. Zed stayed awake for a while, enjoying the silence and warmth, but eventually fell to the comforting darkness of sleep.

EX had already fallen asleep, nuzzling against Joe's chest as the brunette gently wrapped his arms around his torso. Xisuma sleepily ran a hand through Joe's hair, murmuring on about something Joe couldn't make out. Joe quietly hummed a small tune, softly combing through EX's hair with his fingers, and smiled to himself, feeling Xisuma's hand gently slip from his hair. The admin rested his head in the crook of Joe's neck, wrapping an arm around his waist, and slowly drifted into slumber. Joe continued humming the small tune until he too felt himself falling into the comforting darkness, simply full of love for his two happy boyfriends.


god i love them all so much 💕💕

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