more shadow notes because i love them

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pssshhhh Warp and Rift are my bbys and i love them so goddamn much <3

-Warp and Rift are silent, seemingly distant best friends and i will fucking protect them with my life; Warp protects Rift from the other shadows and Rift provides comfort for Warp

-Daze is a fucking hassle and a half, and even if he's not a tall shadow, he'll still beat your ass

-Game works with Daze, Exploit, Joke, Rift, and Corrupt to try and become their own players and take over Hermitcraft

-Insidious works with Scorn, Spite, Corrupt, and Rift to try and overthrow Game just because they hate him being the leader

-Parody and Zero work against Game, but use their powers to their full extent and try to stop Game from making the shadows real

-Jealousy is overprotective of every who's not a bitch (Warp, Rift, Intercept, Exploit, any others i've missed)

-Zero enjoys giving people scares by making illusions of himself and spooking them (enderman style)

-Intercept tries to get along with Terror, but the small shadow isn't having it and just sends snarls Intercept's way

-most of the shadows don't like Intercept and basically scorn him for being friends with his player

-Exploit is always super anxious and jittery and only works under Game out of fear

-Joke is literally the cheshire cat and all the shadows hate him for being excessively annoying

-Zero, Terror, and Intercept would be a weird pair seeing them all stand together; this super tall and terrifying demon-like thing, a much much smaller boi who has nasty-gremlin-bitch written all over him, and the one in the middle in terms of height just trying to be friends with everyone

-Parody is spoopy boi and he honestly just wants to watch the world burn

-Exploit is another bby with major anxiety and i just want to protect him-

-Game can fuck off because honestly he's a jerk to everyone

-Joke, Rift, and Corrupt are the shadows who take every side, but all for different reason; Joke just wants to have fun and watch people suffer, Rift is too anxious and nice to no to anyone, and Corrupt wants blackmail and some tea

-Warp is selectively mute because his player, Wels, has a fear of saying the wrong thing

-Rift basically agrees with whatever anyone says and is a huge pushover because his player, Ren, has a fear of overstepping boundaries

-Intercept is so willing to help Impulse because Impulse, his player, always fears that he can never do enough to help people (mainly his bfs)

-Terror is the smallest shadow because his player doesn't hide much and usually lets out his angst and thus, Terror has a massive grudge against Tango (ya boi wants to be stronk like the others)

-Parody's power comes from all of Python's fear and secrets, which is a lot; same goes for Zero

i hereby declare, fuck you Game you bitch how dare you hurt my dear Rift and Exploit please perish now-

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