soft boi Tango AU

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based off my previous part, why not some notes for a soft boi Tango AU?

-he's always chattering on about stuff and his boyfriends just listen and nod along since they literally can't get a word in

-he's very clingy, even more so with Impulse

-soft boi Tango mixed with already soft boi Zed, what's better?

-Zed and Tango both love cuddling so they cuddle/hug a lot

-ya boi is so fucking innocent and sweet

-please, i beg of you, just imagine every possible cute scene with soft boi Tango please im begging you-

me wanting to do a zombie apocalypse AU: >:3c
also me realizing that oh shit how would i include Cleo and/or Zloy: :'3

also thank you wattpad for recommending me America x Russia books, how very relevent to the stuff i read :')

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