figuring out how the shadows and servers work

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i think i've figured something out?? idk im probs over thinking this like usual xD

okay so *claps hands together* everyone has one shadow that's supposed to follow them over to each server (Xisuma and Xyresic, Ren and Rift, etc). This means that in Funcraft, everyone still has their shadows they normally have in hermitcraft as well. This also means that everyone has their same shadow from the past hermitcraft seasons

Grief was trapped in a mirror's shadow by the Watchers and Grian was given a new shadow since he didn't really have one anymore. Grief has a different personality than Game because he had all of Grian's fears and stuff before the Watchers were around. He also doesn't have wings because I headcanon that Grian got the wings from the Watchers

Drift was left with Doc's arm in Mindcrack because that was technically a part of Doc and had a shadow. When Doc left Mindcrack, he was given a new shadow since he didn't really have one anymore. Drift also has Doc's old skin (robotic chest and two normal arms) because that's what he had in Mindcrack

In Funcraft, Ren, Iskall, Scar, etc all their same shadows that they have on hermitcraft (unless something's happened that I don't know of but I can use for plot); this is the same with any other server (unless something's happened idk)

Also, when players "perma-die" (like Taurtis and i guess the rest of Evo) their shadows disappear along with them because they need their player to live

... this gives me so many opportunities for angst holy shit-

also, are there any other events from other servers the hermits have been/are one that i can use for plot of making more shadows???

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