Love Sick (one-shot)

793 28 75

im treading a very thin line here so here's a warning for forced love


"You wanted me?" Doc asked, gliding lightly into the hanger of Area 77.

"Yeah I did, thanks for coming." Wasting no time, Scar something out of his pocket, dangling it in his hand. A glittering heart shaped crystal hung from the beaded obsidian chain, glowing with a radiant pink color as it spun tantalizingly. "Found this thing while in a dungeon chest. Any clue what it is?"

Doc frowned and stepped closer, tentatively picking up the necklace in his palm. "It's definitely not vanilla," he muttered. "Definitely worthy of being in Area 77. Let's take it in-"

"Or..." Scar glanced down at him, smirking. "We could try it."

The creeper hybrid shook his head sternly. "We shouldn't. It's not a vanilla item so we no idea what it could do. Plus." He quickly snatched the necklace from Scar's grip, much to the brunette's protest. "It's heart shaped and pink. Most likely something to do with love that we don't want to mess with."

"But that's even more fun!" Scar exclaimed, eyes bright with excitement. "Valentines day is coming up anyways! Lighten up a little!"

Before Doc argue back, Scar swiftly phased straight through him, necklace dangling in his hand and a cheeky grin on his face. "Let's have some fun, eh?" he suggested, moving to clip the necklace around his neck.

Eyes wide with panic, Doc leapt forward, his arm outstretched to try and stop his friend. "Scar wait!"

As soon as the clasps connected, a burning pink aura blasted out from the pendant, knocking Doc to the ground. Scar's arms that had been up to put on the necklace went limp and dangled beside him. His usually pupil-less emerald eyes glitched back and forth between pink before finally fading to a lovely pink with scarlet red, heart shaped pupils.

Scar stood there silently for a bit before turning to Doc, eyes wide and a soft wavering smile on his face. "Why hello there my love!" he cooed, walking over to toppled over Doc and dropping to his knees, now dangerously close to the other.

Doc growled lowly and leaned away, glaring at the wide-eyed man. "Get the hell away!" he snapped. "Scar snap out of it! It's that stupid necklace!"

"What, this little thing?" Scar dangled the pendant between his fingers, smiling dreamily at it. "It's just a token of our love! But such a wonderful charm could never get between my love for you!" He moved his face closer until Doc could feel his warm breath.

"I would never leave you my love."

Before Doc could react, Scar's lips were already pressed against his, a hand cupped to his cheek and holding him in place. Eyes going wide with panic, Doc shoved Scar as far as he could, scrambling to his feet and wiping his mouth.

"Scar," Doc said slowly, swiftly whipping out his trident. "If you love me, then you'll give me that damn necklace. Otherwise I'll have to take it by force."

Scar giggled lightly, clasping the necklace close to his chest. "I'm ever so sorry my love," he replied in a sickeningly sweet tone. "But this necklace is much too important to me. I couldn't ever give it up."

Doc grimaced, gripping his trident tightly. "Then I guess I don't have a choice."

He darted forward and knocked Scar back with a hard shove, not yet wanting to fully use his trident. Doc kicked Scar to the ground and pinned him there with his trident, leaning down the grab the necklace.

Something suddenly tugged him backwards and Doc was grabbed into the air, trident falling from his grasp from surprise. Twisting his neck, he could see a hot pink tentacle-like thing spiking up from the ground, wrapping around him in a tight hold.

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