Grudges Against One (one-shot)

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[insert drawn out spooky voice] oooooohhhhh mooorrrreeee aaannggstttt (but this time set in the normal hermitcraft world so how fun :'D)


It all started with a server wide meeting where everyone was catching BDubs and Keralis up with what had been happening that season.

"Then we had the Civil War, which was really more of a prank war-"

"Oh don't remind me of that thing," Impulse groaned, stopping Scar's rambling.

Keralis lifted his head from the table, curiously raising an eyebrow. "Huh? What was so bad about the Civil War?" he asked.

"Impulse, we've talked about this," Tango muttered, nudging his boyfriend. "We're over it, remember?"

Impulse suddenly stood up and slammed his hands on the table, startling everyone as they turned their attention to the brunette. "The Civil War was a fucking mistake," he growled coldly.

"No it wasn't!" Grian protested. "It was fun! I know Team S.T.A.R lost but-"

"THAT'S NOT IT!" Impulse yelled, fury slowly building in his eyes. "Do you understand how much we could have lost?!" He gestured to Tango and Zed, who were frozen with fear. They'd never seen Impulse this furious.

"Impulse please," Zed whimpered, tugging at his arm for him to sit down. "I-It's in the past now-"

"No Zed!" Impulse snapped, pulling his arm away. "It's all his fault!" He pointed at Grian and all eyes turned to the blonde. "He started that stupid fucking war and it nearly tore me, and Zed, and Tango apart! We almost lost everything because of your shitty game!"

Grian stared back, eyes wide with shock. "I-I didn't know..." he responded, his voice barely a whisper. "I'm sorry Impulse-"

"You know what?" Doc stood up as well, hands balled into fist and cold anger in his eyes. "I'm done keeping quiet. Grian." He kept steady eye-contact with the terrified blonde. "Remember the Area 77 v.s Hippies thing? Do you know how mad people were at me? Zed, Tango. Surely you remember how angry you were with me?"

Zed looked down, not wanting to say anything. Tango grimaced, remembering the story. "Y-yes we were angry with you," Tango replied quietly. "But how is that related to Grian-"

"Grian started that damn storyline," Doc interrupted, his voice dangerously low. "If he had never gotten involved and made the Hippies, Impulse would never have been dragged away from you two."

"Doc be reasonable," Ren protested, standing up to face his boyfriend. "That was a long time ago and it wasn't directly Grian's fault. Impulse chose to get involved, Grian didn't force him."

"Th-that is true," Mumbo blurted out, uncomfortably fidgeting with his tie. "I-it wasn't really a-anyone's fault, w-we all just chose whatever side w-we chose-"

"Shut up Mumbo," Impulse snapped. "You're not in this."

"Don't talk like that to Mumbo!" Iskall exclaimed, glaring at Impulse. "Mumbo makes a good point! You two need to calm down and stop shouting at Grian for no reason!"

"I agree!" Stress jumped in, standing up and glaring at Impulse and Doc. "All of this is in the past and it's all fixed now!"

"W-well..." Everyone turned to Scar. "It's not all fixed... I still have a fear of getting abandoned if I do something wrong... b-but that's not Grian's fault!" he quickly stuttered, regretting saying anything. "I-it's not Doc's fault either! I shouldn't- I just- I... I did things wrong..."

"I mean, you are correct; that's not Grian's fault," False stated. "It's not Doc's fault either. I hate to say it, but most of the blame has to go to Cub."

"Hey!" Cub protested, shooting up from his seat. "I'd never leave Scar, if that's what you're accusing! And I at least realized my mistake and apologized!"

"Unlike him," Impulse muttered, glaring at Grian.

"Okay, seriously what do you have against Grian?" Cleo asked frustrated, staring at the brunette with a confused and irritated look.

Impulse rolled his eyes. "1, the war. 2, the Hippies. 3, that prank from Joe and Cleo he rigged."

Joe sighed and looked away, grimacing. "Right... he did do that..."

"But you got me back!" Grian reminded him. His thoughts were racing as one by one, his friends turned on him. "So we're even right?"

Joe remained silent and looked away, not wanting to answer.

"This is ridiculous!" Xisuma yelled, slamming his hands on the table and glaring at everyone angrily. "Everyone the hell calm down!"

"No!" Xisuma was surprised when Python yelled out, standing up and glaring indignantly at Grian. "If Grian hadn't started that dumb war, I could have actually spent time with my boyfriends!" Tears started slowly falling from his face and he was desperately trying to hold it together. "I feel ignored enough as it is, but being ignored by my own boyfriends was horrible!" He sat back down and hid his face in his hands, quiet sobs escaping his lips.

"I-is this true Jevin? Wels?" EX asked the two, glancing worriedly between them and the crying Python.

Tears pricked at Wels' eyes and he choked on his words, unable to speak from all the sudden emotions. Jevin spoke for him, his tone low and regretful. "It's true," he admitted, looking away. "We got so caught up in the war that we didn't really pay attention to Python..."

"But everything's okay now!" Grian said, forcing a desperate smile. "And what Demise? Wasn't that fun?"

"Not really," Ren grumbled, crossing his arms. "Being the first one out, after dying from something so stupid, sorta hurt. And it kinda sucks having to purposefully try and make your friends loose..."

"Oh c'mon Ren!" Iskall sighed. "Don't be sour! It was all in good fun-"

"You're just saying that because you won," Scar spat bitterly. Cub nudged him, giving him a glare.

Mumbo silently watched them all argue. All because of his friend. All because of their friend. He glanced up at Grian. The blonde was frozen and a million emotions shone through his dark eyes. Regret, guilt, terror, shock.

Then his eyes glazed over and Mumbo realized what he was doing. "Grian wait!" he cried over the chaos, causing everyone to turn to the frozen blonde.

> Grian left the game


hi and welcome to hating Grian time, how can i help you?

also it was ridiculously hard to a) give everyone a line, b) make everyone in character and angry, and c) make sure no one is too much of a dick

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