bird Grian concepts

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i see the popular headcanon that fanon Grian often has wings because he's a bird hybrid and (although i don't headcanon this) i would like to add on

-everyone's like "oh he's a chicken hybrid because he's poultry man" and im over here like "ya'll are basic what about other birds" LIKE IMAGINE HIM WITH ANY OTHER KIND OF BIRDS WINGS (IM TALKING HAWKS, OWL, RAVENS, BLUE JAYS, ANY OTHER BIRD BESIDES A CHICKEN)

-Grian doesn't need to go into [redacted], he's already a bastard as a human-

-d-does he lay eggs?? because chickens technically are the female term?? WAIT DOES THIS MEAN CHICKEN HYBRID GRIAN IS TRANS BECAUSE THAT'S PRETTy VALID

-kinda off topic but apparently there's a trans pregnant Grian fanfic floating around in the main tags of hermitblr and im feeling conflicting emotions

-i headcanon that most of the hybrids on hermitcraft can transform into whatever animal they're a hybrid of, so would chicken Grian be able to turn into a chicken? *GASP* IF HIM AND POULTRY MAN ARE DIFFERENT PEOPLE, WOULD THAT BE HOW HE KNOWS EVERYTHING POULTRY MAN DOES?? BECAUSE HE'S SALLY??? (oh shit but didn't Sally die- )

-Grian with a beak

-Grian with that weird red beard thingy that some birds have

-Grian with a mohawk

-Grian with [insert strange/funny bird genetic here]

-he would most certainly have claws, you can't deny it

-wait what are chicken predators?? and would Grian be afraid of these animals?

-*deep inhale* GRIAN'S A COWARD-

-him making bwaking noises is giving me life

i've been writing a lot of Grian stuff and i honestly feel like Grian was holding me at gunpoint when i wrote this-

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