Botany Business (one-shot)

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"Scarrr!" Python called, practically crashing into the other's base. "I need your help!" He bounced over to Scar who was sat on the floor with Jellie curled in his lap.

Scar looked up him with an intrigued expression. "Oh?" he said. "What'd you need my help with? Building, building advice, what?" He gently lifted up Jellie and stood up, still cradling her in his arms.

"What color goes with blue but isn't blue?" Python asked without skipping a beat.

"Uh, green, purple, orange, and yellow?" Scar replied, looking at him strangely. "Why do you want t- waittt, are you making something for Jevin?" he asked, his mouth pulling into a sly grin.

Python nodded shyly. "Yeah, Wels too," he answered, smiling awkwardly. "I wanted to make them flower crowns but I didn't know what color would look good and you're a really good builder so I just thought uh, you would know about colors and stuff?"

Scar chuckled and shook his head. "Oh Python, sweet as always," the brunette murmured, absentmindedly petting Jellie. "Well if it's for Jevin then I'd say purple would work well. Maybe lavender if you know how to use it?"

"Alright, thanks Scar!" Python exclaimed, already starting to leave the base in a hurry.

"Grian I need help!" Python tumbled into the blonde's base, nearly slamming his shoulder into a wall as he very gracefully fell down.

"Is it flying tips perhaps?" Grian joked, laughing as the redhead rubbed his sore shoulder.

"Technically yes, but later! Right now, I need help help with a um... color palette?" he said, more like a question than a statement. "What's old and knighty and has yellow maybe blue colors?"

Grian leaned against a wall, grinning. "Gift for Wels hm?" he asked, already knowing what was up. "Well what's the exact gift? There's a lot fo things that are knighty and yellowy-blue."

"Something like a flower crown," Python explained. "I don't know what colors to use but I was thinking yellow? Maybe blue like his eyes?" Python sighed. "Listen I don't know how colors work, I need your help."

The blonde laughed lightly. "Well, I'd suggest one of those leaf crowns that the greeks used to wear. I'm sure you can find some yellowish-gold leaves lying around."

Python thought for a moment before nodding. "That works. Alright, thanks G! Appreciate it!"

Grian saluted him a goodbye. "No problemo!"

After going back to Scar's place to ask for some lavender, digging through chests to find pliable twigs, and asking Cleo for some golden autumn leaves, he was finally ready to make the flower crowns.

For what felt like years (when it was really only a few hours) he worked tirelessly on the gifts. From weaving the lavender into the braided twigs to glueing the golden leaves on their twig frame, everything seemed to be going slower than ever.

Maybe because he was just impatient, but that was besides the point.

Night crept through the sky but he paid no bother to that, not noticing the glowing moon above or the sleepiness tugging at him.

"Finally!" he sighed to himself, glueing on the last leaf and setting the gift on the floor before him. "Alright, so now I can-" He was interrupted by a yawn that sent chills though him. "Can give these to Jevin and Wels!"

He moved to pick them up, but his arm didn't listen as it slouched weakly beside him. Exhaustion finally catching up to him, he instinctively curled up with his head in his arms and drifted to sleep.

His boyfriends found him the next morning in a sleeping heap on the floor with ruffled hair and two beautiful flower crowns made of golden leaves and lavender laid beside him.


some nice fluff because im obsessed with PWJ :')


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