music rants/ideas

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it's just what the title says, some rants and/or ideas on music

you ever find a song that just fits so perfectly with a situation in your head that you just have to write it down? happens to me a lot but i never really write songfics because i like to mix music with actions and writing just doesn't that kind of drama (like, is lightning strikes at some point it looks cooler if shown than described)

also i hate when i find a song and like only one lyric fits with a situation i have in my head and it's so annoying because that one lyric fits so well but the rest of the song doesn't fit in the slightest and-

most of my music is angsty and i get a lot of inspiration from music so that's the half of the reason i write so much xD

anybody else dance and sing out loud when no one's around? *awkward smile and hand raise*

what if the hermits had karaoke night?? what songs would they pick?? who would pick the angsty ones and who would pick the cute and happy ones??? what if someone picked the campfire song from spongebob-

i'd love to do karaoke IRL but i have way too much stage fright :')

can i just say that i like Billie Eilish songs without being called a cringy teen girl?? like, her songs are actually just, good; the beat and tone is great and pretty unique to her style i think

ya'll ever see music videos where they just randomly start singing the words to the song and nobody in the setting questions why they're randomly singing or where the random background music appeared from???

Hermitcraft, the music video-

melanie martinez is great, both as a person and a singer *sits on seat and crosses arms* change my mind

i've always wanted to do an PMV but i never have the time because of school which freaking sucks :T

this one line in the song Wild Card fits Scar so damn well; See I'm irresistible, kinda unpredictable fits so well with Scar and in this essay i will-

imagining music videos with the hermits looks so damn cool in my head and then I want to do it, but realize i have no methods of animating nor any skills :')

sorry this was kinda long and random, i just had to rant a bit :)

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