i've been provoked so here: HermitClan

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*deep inhale* listen i-

notes on a warrior cats AU :3

-Xisumastar and EXmask (im dying from the names already) lead HermitClan- okay no no no i've gotta stop this right now; I am literally dying from all this because it sounds like an old school mary-sue clan and i swear to god-

-Grianpaw is an apprentice (i can't, i seriously can't) with Mumbo as his mentor (im imagining Mumbo was a kittypet before) and his friend Iskall (an apprentice who was a rogue)

-we have Stressfrost, Falseclaw, and Joepaw who is mentored by Cleothistle

-don't forget diligent patrol boys Cubflight and Scarspring (i mean i could do Scarscar- )

-a-and we have senior warriors Doctalon and Rendawn (it sounds like dog okay)

-then there's young warriors Zedaph (former loner), Tangoflame, and Impulsestone

-and the newly made warriors Pythonfang, Jevinpuddle, and Welstuft (like that weird feather thingy on some knight helmets???)

-Scarspring is the medicine cat with Pythonfang as his apprentice (please, im dying ohmygod)

-TFC is this elder loner they took in and everyone loves him

-oh yeah and these new guys, BDubsleap and Keralisrunner, came in the clan and Doctalon and Scarspring don't like them (but Xisumastar won't listen cuz he likes 'em)

-Grianpaw had a littermate, Taurtispaw, but he died from greencough

*slams hands on table* that's it, im done, good bye *flips table and walks away*

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