Actions Speak Louder Than Words (one-shot)

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was looking at the Shadow AU on hermitblr and got inspired -.-' (quick reminder: Rift is Ren's and Warp is Wels')


One of the few times a shadow could stop following their player without being caught was at night, when the light was dim and it was hard to tell what darkness was cast from blocks or players.

Rift sat at the very top of Impulse's ship, kicking his dangling legs over the edge. Though he preferred not being alone, he did like not having to worry about if he upset someone or not.

A gentle tch tch noise alerted him of Warp's presence as the other shadow settled beside him. Rift waved shyly to his friend and tilted his head, a gesture they had both come to know as "would you like to talk?"

Warp shrugged and quickly signed out, what you want. Rift put his hand up to sign, but faltered, hand slowly lowering. W-what you want? he signed out shakily. Rift wasn't used to making his own choices when around people, just wanting no one to be upset at him.

The other shadow raised an eyebrow and shrugged again. He reached out to place a hand on Rift's shoulder, but the other jerked away with a yelp. Warp hissed at the noise and covered his ears.

Rift panicked seeing Warp cover his ears and started signing I'm sorry! over and over again, not wanting to upset the shadow further.

Warp shook his head, gesturing for Rift to stop his frantic signing. Sorry for touch, Warp signed, smiling apologetically. You no need to sorry, okay? Rift nodded nervously, his wolf ears flattened to his head.

The two had a close bond that some would call distant. Rift absolutely hated being touched and Warp despised any kind of noise, so it was a strange relationship. They'd learned basic gestures like head tilts and occasionally used small noises to alert the other they were nearby, but otherwise they were always silent and distant around each other.

Rift made a faint purring noise, smiling slightly at Warp. Warp recognized the gesture and let Rift hug him, the nervous shadow clinging to his friend. It was unusual for them to hug, but when they did it was always one-sided with Rift clinging to Warp.

Warp hummed a low tune and ran a hand through Rift's hair, one of the few ways Rift let Warp touch him. Rift stuck out the tip of his tongue contently and let himself lean comfortably on Warp, resting his head in the crook of the other's neck.

They stayed like that until the sun peeked over the horizon, signifying that they should go back to their players until the next night.

But they didn't, having fallen asleep awhile, and stayed cuddled against each other.


Warp and Rift fluff because i love them too much <3

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