Bubbles (one-shot)

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Keralis was just swimming as usual, flicking his shimmering tail against the crashing waves. The sailors up there were so scared of the ocean, but Keralis never understood what there was to fear under the peaceful water. The gentle lapping waves, the calming noises, it all seemed perfect to him.

He saw a shape up ahead splashing in the waves, clearly making a struggle to stay above the surface. Keralis gasped and rushed forward, scooping up the person and gently guiding them through the water. He pulled them over to a cluster of rocks and hoisted them up.

It was clearly a pirate, what with his scarred skin and weapons dangling from his belt, but he seemed injured. "Stay here, okay?" he murmured to the human. The man nodded and weakly laid his head on the rock, his soaked dark brown hair splayed out on the stone.

Keralis leaped from the rock and down into the depths. He grabbed a few lengths of kelp before swimming back up to where the man was. He broke through and crawled onto the stone, white light swirling up his tail and slowly turning it to legs.

"Y-you're-" The man suddenly coughed violently, seawater dribbling from his mouth. "Don't speak," Keralis urged, starting to wrap the kelp around his wounds and praying they would help. He didn't know anything about medicine, so he tried his best.

Once Keralis finished, the two sat in silence; the man trying to catch his breathe and Keralis watching him worriedly.

"Ar- *cough* are you r-really a mermaid?" the man finally asked, awkwardly propping himself up into a sitting position.

Keralis nodded hesitantly, looking away bashfully. "I guess you could call me that," he murmured. "Uh, my name is Keralis. Yours?"

The human stared back for a while, still slightly in shock, before responding.

"C-call me BDubs."


very short, but some more pirate AU stuff UwU and Keralis is a mermaid! that's why he was unusually nice to everyone on board, because (in this AU) mermaid are naturally a very kind and docile species

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