some rare ships that are valid as fuck

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Wels x Keralis
-tsundere child and hyperactive bby who gives his bfs pet-names...  w h a t   c o u l d   b e   b e t t e r
-Keralis is able to make Wels blush extremely easily
-Wels tends to pamper Keralis with gifts
-headcanoning Wels with long hair here, Keralis likes to brush and style his hair
-Wels is the taller bf and no on can argue with that
-Keralis is always clinging to Wels and Wels is just blushing profusely and attempting to function

Python x Zed
-they always just compliment each other
-all the cuddles
-listen they're both bby, and they're both immensely sweet, it's perfect
-they're the type to be very publicly affectionate (little kisses, hugs, holding hands, etc)
-hhhhhhhh they're just cute okay?!

Jevin x Impulse
-basically the only level headed relationship on this entire goddamn server
-Jevin is the taller one and no one can argue
-Impulse likes to curl up against Jevin and Jevin runs his fingers through Impulse's hair
-they're relationship is just a lot of nice calm talking and cuddles while watching tv
-not too publicly affection, but do compliment each other often

you can't argue that these ships aren't valid and if you do argue, say bye to your kneecaps-

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