Seer of the Broken Hearts (one-shot)

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(warning: this is exceedingly deep)


I noticed most things, from the patterns of dappled light on the forest floor to the extra petal on a glistening flower at dawn. But as I spent more time on the surface, I started to... notice thing. Notice things about my friends.

Take for example him. He's like a... window. To others, it seems like people notice him and stare at him. But to the person staring at him, they don't truly stare at him. They stare at what's through and around him. No one truly notices him, but everyone thinks people do. The personality that people see is like the frame of the window; pretty, delicate, and seemingly durable under most conditions. His real personality is like the pane of glass in that window; no one sees it and it's fragile.

I can't really blame him for having a grudge against that brat. If you look at it through his broken-hearted eyes, he stole away all the attention, he stole away all of his love, he is part of the reason for his suffering. It's a twisted way to look at it sure, but if everything you had was suddenly stolen away by a so-called friend, wouldn't you be angry as well?

Talking about anger reminds me of all those other emotions. All those emotions that he can't handle.

Even though he acts like the natural therapist of the server, the shoulder everyone can lean on, I've seen how... terribly... he handles his own feelings. When he thinks no one's looking, he'll mumble angrily to himself and his cheeks flush red as he tries to hold back tears. Then, when someone comes near, he puts on his typical emotion-less face.

Like a stonewall, he's there for everyone to lean on and can manage almost anything that comes his way. But each day, he's slowly crumbling to pieces from every touch; but no one notices since the pieces are so small. Once day, there'll be a bullet strong enough to break him.

Then there's her, the one already slightly broken. She's like a blade; terrifying when against you, but your best ally when with you. Either way, you're scared of slipping up and getting hurt. But she doesn't mean to hurt you, it's always an accident, and yet she fears that the others are truly afraid of her.

Meanwhile, he is the opposite. He's like a safe, taking in all that anger only to never let it out. Everyone has a clue of what might be hidden inside, but no one can sure since he never shows anyone. Eventually they just forget about it, believing it's just how he always is. But those emotions always stay, trapped under that mask, as he plays it off as though everything's okay.

And finally, we have him. His is the most subtle of all of them and I can only tell from vague reactions. At least with that other rascal he tells a few people how he felt, but this one tells none! He's like a lead, I tell you! You pull him around and he hardly ever breaks, and if he does you don't notice until it's already too late. Then when he does finally snap, you loose him.

Ah how interesting it is to observe my friends and see how, for lack of better words, oblivious they are! I would tell them myself, but it's not my place to intervene; that is their problems and they must learn to solve them on their own. So that's why I stay down here in my home, content and happy.

What's that? You want to know more? Ah, well maybe for another time kiddo. This is already a lot to handle...


its 11pm and im supposed to be finishing my science project rn but look where we are-

also, fanny packs just turn you into a human-kangaroo if ya think about it

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