Once in a Blue Moon (one-shot)

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did i forget to mention that all the hybrids get affected when blue moons come around? like most of them just can't leave their animal forms and others get other effects things? because that happens-


Wels giggled slightly, feeling a little forked tongue poke at his neck. "Python!" he exclaimed, nudging the small snake away. "That tickles!" The dappled red snake hissed happily and closed his eyes for a moment, resting against his boyfriend's neck and feeling the rhythmic beating of his pulse.

The small blue slime resting in Wels' arms suddenly leaped away and landed on the floor with a splat. It bounced up and down excitedly, looking eagerly at his now taller boyfriend. "Jevin I don't know what that means," the blonde sighed, shaking his head.

Jevin paused for a moment, his little slime mouth dropping sadly, and looked down, dejected. Wels sighed and picked him back up, lightly patting the slime. He closed his eyes contently and leaned against his boyfriend, happily letting him carry him.

Python spiraled his way down Wels' arm and held himself up to look at Jevin, poking his tongue out. He hissed quietly and closed his eyes in his best attempt at a smile. The blue slime bounced a little in Wels' arms in return, tilting his head and closing his eyes in an improvised smile.

"Whoa!!" Zed gasped, trying to grab desperately at something as he stumbled. Impulse immediately darted over and wrapped his arms around Zed's waist, steadily rebalancing him.

"Zed, why're you out in the kitchen?" Impulse asked, chuckling slightly. "You can't see, remember?" He gently tugged at the purple blindfold tied around Zed's eyes and concealing half of the black patch over his right eye.

The blonde sighed and reluctantly nodded. "I just wanted some coffee," he mumbled, crossing his arms and pouting. Impulse chuckled and untangled himself from Zed's waist, gently placing Zed's dull black claws in his own palm. "I'll lead you, alright?"

Impulse carefully lead Zed through the kitchen, stifling his laughter as Zed knocked a cup off the counter. "Cookie?" he offered, holding out a crumbling treat. Zed eagerly took it, nibbling on the edge as Impulse started preparing some hot cocoa.

"You're so luckyyyy," Tango whined from the couch, pressing down on the ice pack resting on his forehead. "You can actually drink hot chocolate while I'm over here boiling to death!"

"At least you can see!" Zed shot back through a mouthful of cookie. "I'm going to have so many bruises after today!"

Their boyfriend rolled his eyes, watching their playful banter. He quickly ran a cup of water with some ice in it and padded over to Tango. "Here babe," he offered, holding out the glass. Tango mumbled a thanks and chugged the drink, reluctantly lapping at the ice cubes.

"Thanks for shutting him up!" Zed called from the kitchen, grinning. Tango pouted, his sharp fangs poking out, and glared at Zed. "Hey!"


listen originally i was going to give Zed and Tango animal forms but then i realized "shit Zed's gonna be fucking tall" and "hell no am i making Tango look like some satan-ass winged monkey from wizard of oz, my baby deserves better"

also an idea, please just imagine all the hermits in traditional kimonos with flowers in their hair and fans and shit (please just like, ZIT, Architechs, JEX, PWJ, ConVex the gals, Ren, Keralis, BDubs, Biffa, fucking Doc-)

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