NPC Grian notes

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so take some NPC Grian notes because i haven't talked about him but i really should

-first things first, he bby

-he's really fascinated by objects from The End or the Nether, especially eyes of ender and blaze powder

-he often wears accessories and aspects from a bunch of Grian's past outfits and the most common one he wears is the Hippie necklace

-sorry im dying of laughter rn because im watching Markiplier and Jacksepticeye try and pole dance and i just-

-he swings his arms a lot as a fidget

-boats and him don't really work out

-he's like a child; adorable when happy and fucking terrifying when mad

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-he's like a child; adorable when happy and fucking terrifying when mad

-he glides like an inch above the ground and kinda has creative mode flying powers

-like a furby, he can't be turned off (kinky-)

-damn it now my stupid brain is like "yo but does he have a dic-"

-EX and NPG, EX and NPG, EX and NPG-

-innocent little thing who yeah he knows the basics of sex but does he know what kinks are of course not-

-he tends to have flowers braided/tangled in his messy hair so bees are very attracted to him, though he doesn't mind (if anything he likes them and their little buzzes)

-him and Mumbo hang out to chill with the bees

-typically has messy hair and a ruffled sweater with wide eyes

-the main difference between him and Grian is that NPG has baby blue eyes with normal oval pupils and Grian has dark brown eyes with the Watcher symbols

-he has wings but they're just for show and aren't actually used to fly

-unlike Grian who has cream/light brown wings, NPG has pure white wings (aka when Grian was making him he ran out of paint and just decided to leave it)

-the man likes his sweets (mainly twinkies) and god forbid you try and take them

NPG is just a pure child who's trying his best/trying to murder everyone

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