It's All In The Cards (one-shot/AU)

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A lone Diamonds trainee walked through the forest, his signature dagger strapped on his back. EX had always been fine on his own, never needing to wander with someone unless it was an emergency.

A noises close by suddenly alerted him and he quickly whipped out a Three of Diamonds. A shape dropped down from the trees and a sledgehammer started to rapidly swing at him. EX raised up his card and three diamond shaped shields suddenly surrounded him, holding off the attack.

Another attacker dropped down and started to swing with their spear, neither of them giving EX any room to try and move away.

"Cub, Scar." A low voice cut through the chaos and his attackers stopped their movements. In their halt, EX quickly tried to dash away as his shields flickered weakly around him.

"Not so fast!" An arrow suddenly shot at him and he swerved to dodge it, knocking himself to the ground as well. He groaned in pain and rubbed his head where it'd made contact with the ground.

"Hey!" the low clear voice snapped. EX looked up and saw man with dappled green skin and a mechanical arm outlined in sunlight, his single robotic eye catching the light and gleaming ominously. He glared down at EX, spear held dangerously in his grip. "Who are you?" he demanded. "And what are you doing in our territory?"

"Your territory?" EX questioned, propping himself into a sitting position. "I think you're a bit confused; this is the forest. It doesn't belong to anybody."

A man with a black jacket and fiery red hair jumped down beside the cyborg, his slitted eyes wide with curiosity. "You're new around here aren't ya?" he asked. He gently nudged the cyborg out the way and reached a hand down.

"Python!" either Cub or Scar (the one with the sledgehammer) hissed, green eyes lighting up defensively. "What're you doing?!"

Python didn't respond and instead kept his hand down, staring at EX. "Wanna be our friend?" he asked, tilting his head and smiling slightly. "We don't get many visitors!"

EX hesitated, but slowly took Python's hand, the red-head helping him up. "I-I guess..." he muttered back.

"Alright let's go!" Python excitedly pulled EX deeper into the forest, the others exasperatedly following behind.

"Goddamn it Python!"


AU where everyone is part of a faction based off card symbols, has their own unique weapons, and uses cards to summon magic and stuff

also its midnight and im quite tired :')

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