The New Shadow (one-shot)

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"So you work with others?" Drift asked, following after Game as he led the new shadow. "How many?"

"Oh only like five or six," Game replied, venturing into ConCorp HQ. "We need all the shadows we can get to help!"

A tinkly laugh sounded above them and a whirlwind of black twisted its way around Drift, smiling a wide joker-like grin. "My my my, who's this?" Corrupt cooed, delicately tilting Drift's head upward. The shadow flinched and backed away, clinging to Game's arm for support.

"Now calm down Corrupt," Game sneered. "Don't scare him away! This is our new partner, Drift. He's Doc's old shadow from Mindcrack and I freed him from Area 77."

Corrupt grinned wider, gently taking Drift's hand in his own. "Well welcome to the club," he purred, pecking the shadow on the hand.

"Hey newbie!" another voice exclaimed loudly. On the arch to the HQ was a shadow hanging upside down, grinning widely. "Having fun on your tour?" He let himself fall off and land lightly on his feet, arms crossed and head tilted curiously.

Game rolled his eyes. "Hello to you too Joke." He continued walking Drift deeper into the HQ. Drift scowled and clung tighter to Game, eyes darting back and forth between Corrupt and Joke. "Are they all like this?" Drift hissed quietly to Game.

"Nah, just Corrupt and Joke," Game assured. "Rift and Exploit are rather quiet, and Daze just has anger issues."

Drift bristled at the names. "D-Daze and Rift?"

"That's what I said." Game raised an eyebrow curiously as they rounded the corner into the main room. "You know them?"

Drift didn't get time to answer as a yelp sounded in the room. He glanced over to see a shadow crouched on a ledge that jutted out from the ceiling, his wolf ears were flattened to his head and teeth bared in a snarl. Another was hugging a book to his chest and a low ponytail draped over his head. He was looking up at the wolf-eared one and gasping out apologies.

"What the fuck happened here?!" Game yelled angrily, making everyone freeze and turn to him.

Daze rolled his eyes from where he was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed. "Exploit nudged Rift-"

"It was an accident!" Exploit interrupted, eyes wide with fear. "I-I didn't mean to touch him! I just moved and he was there and I just- it was an accident I swear!"

Game sighed and shook his head exasperatedly. "Whatever, it's fine. Now, everyone gather around! We have a new partner!" He gestured to Drift who waved awkwardly. "Meet Drift!"

Rift's eyes widened and he precariously floated down from his ledge. "A-are you that... that shadow?" he whispered, staring at Drift. "From Area 77... right?"

Drift nodded, glaring at Rift with cold eyes. "How do you know?" he snapped. "I've never seen you walk by."

"I told him," Daze growled, glaring right back at Drift as their gazes met. "Pleasure to properly meet you Drift."

"Why didn't you help me?!" Drift hissed, red lightning starting to crackle and spark around him. "You knew I was in there! But you never decided to help me?!"

Daze chuckled. "Gosh I wonder why," he mocked.

Game nudged Daze harshly, glare down at him. "Shut up," he ordered. "Now, to start this meeting..."


and you shall never find out why Daze didn't help out Drift >:3c

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