Love Is In The Air (one-shot)

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fun fact: the title was originally "Love Sick Idiots"


"Any place in particular you'd like to go?" Python asked, resting his chin on Wels' shoulder. "I'll go anywhere you want my knight in shining armor~"

Wels smirked, glancing down at his boyfriend. "I'm already with the two most perfect people in the world my prince~" he replied, winking.

Jevin rolled his eyes as he watched his boyfriends blush and laugh at the pet names. "Could you two get any cornier?" he muttered, crossing his arms.

The blonde beside him chuckled and gently leaned against him, grinning ear-to-ear. "But of course we could Your Highness~" he purred.

Python burst out laughing as Jevin flushed darker, looking away, Wels quickly following suit as they giggled at their embarrassed boyfriend.

"Whatcha doing?" Xisuma asked, clinging to EX's waist and watching his brother write.

"Workin' on a poem," EX replied, glancing down at the wide-eyed brunette. "Me and Joe decided to do a challenge and see how long we can make a single valentines day poem."

Xisuma scanned the page for moment, not really understanding half of it but liking it anyways. "Seems to be going very well so far," he remarked.

"Thanks, it-" EX paused suddenly and sharply turned towards Xisuma, shoving him off from his waist. "Wait, you're in that stupid lovey-dovey mode again aren't you?"

"What do you mean?" X asked, tilting his head.

EX sighed and shook his head, groaning. "We dealt with this last year and it was a fucking hassle," he grumbled under his breath. "I swear to god, if I have to deal with you being stupid for another damn year I'm going to-"

"Greetings my loves!" Joe's voice interrupted, the brunette gliding down lightly beside the two.

Xisuma's eyes lit up immediately, smiling brightly. "Joe!" he exclaimed, tackling the brunette into a hug. "I missed you!"

Joe stared down in utter confusion, hesitantly hugging him back. "Xisuma, I recall texting you but half an hour ago? Perhaps even less?"

"Sorry 'bout him," EX sighed, facepalming. "He always gets all love-sick on valentines day, especially with you today 'cause you're his boyfriend."

"How peculiar," Joe murmured, untangling himself from Xisuma's grasp. "But I shall accept it nonetheless. He's very adorable like this," he cooed, running a hand through Xisuma's ruffled hair.

Xisuma blushed deeply and buried his face into Joe's chest, mumbling to himself about who-knows-what. "Th-thanks..." he murmured, hugging his boyfriend again.

"He's a real piece o' work," EX grumbled, his obvious jealousy showing once again.

Joe smiled softly, cupping EX's cheek and giving him a peck. "So are you my lovely little devil," Joe purred, chuckling as EX's face flushed dark red.

"GUYS!" Zed's voice rang throughout their household, making Impulse jump and nearly stumble over his own feet.

"WHAT?!" Tango yelled back, equally as loud.

"CAN YOU ALL STOP YELLING?!" Impulse shouted, stifling a laugh.

"NOPE!" Zed quickly grabbed both of his boyfriends and practically shoved them onto the couch, the two ending up in a heap with Tango basically on top of Impulse.

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