Comfort in the Night (one-shot)

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(in gordon ramsay voice) finally some good fucking [angst]


A cry of alarm had alerted Ren to Doc's room and the hybrid cautiously opened the door. "Doc?" he whispered. In the darkness, he could see Doc's shadowed figure sitting up, head whipping around to face with a panicked look.

"Ah!" Doc yelped, grabbing at the covers and pulling them over his head. "Don't hurt me!" His voice sounded small and frail, like a brittle leaf about to break.

Ren, very concerned by now, flipped on the light switch. Doc only whimpered and shuffled deeper under the blanket. "Doc it's me!" he said, eyes wide with concern. "Your boyfriend, Ren!"

Doc peeked out from under the covers and stared at him for a moment before bursting into tears, burying his head in his arms as sobs wracked his body. Ren immediately darted to his side and the creeper hybrid clung to him desperately. "Whoa whoa, what's wrong?!" Ren asked, gently hugging Doc back.

"I-I th-though yo-ou l-left me-e..." Doc sobbed, his voice breaking and hiccuping. "Y-you sa-aid y-you ha-hated me, a-and tha-at you wan-wanted me d-dead and and-"

Ren quickly hushed his rambling with a soft kiss, gently cupping his cheek and wiping away his cold tears with his thumb. "I would never say that," Ren murmured after breaking from the kiss, smiling softly. "I love you so much Doc. I would never ever want to leave you."

Doc stared up him, breathing shaky and tears still dripping down his face. "Pr-promise...?" he asked, voice quiet and sounding like he was going to break down again.

Ren smiled and pecked him on the lips once more. "Promise."


(in gordon ramsay voice) finally some good fucking [RenDoc fluff]

seriously tho, i need to do some stuff outside of PWJ and ZIT -.-' (ya'll wanted soft Doc, well i one-up you and give you broken Doc- )

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