Zero Jokes, Only Parodys of Memories (one-shot)

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could have been a little more subtle with the title but shhhh im out of ideas -.-'


Joe snapped awake,  only to find himself in a vast expanse of darkness. A dream, he thought, standing up. He'd gotten used to dream walking now, but this... this one was different...

"Pleasure to finally meet ya!" a loud voice behind him exclaimed. Joe yelped and stumbled away, instinctively readying his fists in front of him.

Standing before him a copy of himself in dark gray shades and pure red eyes, a cheshire-like grin plastered on it's face. "Aw, the baby can't handle a little scare?" it taunted, stalking towards him. Joe noticed that the it was a bit shorter than him, but it's glowing red eyes halted any feeling of relaxation.

"Who are you?" he demanded, backing away.

It giggled hysterically, its grin widening. "Who needs a name nowadays?" it cackled, stepping closer. "All you need to now is that I'm you!"

Joe stared back in confusion. "You look like me, yes, but how are you me? You act like me in no such ways."

"Foolish little player!" The copy twisted its way around Joe, bending it's spine in an unnatural way. "Need a few people to help explain?" it cooed tauntingly. "Is your mind too feeble to comprehend such a simple situation?"

Joe was about to respond when another cackle split the air. A figure glitched in front of him, this time a monochrome copy of Zed. "Ṇ̷̄è̶̗e̸̖̚d̵̮̃ ̷̰̅s̵̫̚o̵̲͆m̴̬̌ĕ̸ͅ ̵̠͛h̵͈͠e̵͕͝l̸͔͋p̶͎͝ ̵͉͋l̴̢͋ị̵̕t̶̤͆ẗ̸̹́ĺ̵̤e̷̗͐ ̶̱͌p̷̨͐l̵͓͝à̷͕y̵̛̭é̸̤ṛ̶̓?̷̯̈" it growled, its voice a distorted version of Zed's with layers of menace laced in.

He was frozen with fear as it stalked forward. Despite the fact that the real Zed was slighter shorter than him, this copy of him seemed to be almost Mumbo's height, towering over Joe in a threatening way.

"Don't scare the poor thing Zero!" the Joe copy purred, lying on its stomach as it watched on with interest. "He doesn't even know who we are! Can't pick up the clues I'm clearly giving!"

"T̵̪͘h̷̨̊e̶͔͊n̸̡͗ ̸̬͒í̵̥t̶͓́ ̷̙̀o̷̦̐b̷͈͑v̴͕̅i̵͕̚o̸͉͝ŭ̸͓s̴̭̏l̵̗̓y̸̡̚ ̵̟̄w̶͚͊ḁ̶͠s̷̱̾n̷͕͝'̸̩͋ť̵̡ ̶̘̌c̵̢̔l̴͖͝ḛ̴͠ȧ̸̤r̷̳̕ ̷͇͋e̷̱͊n̵͔͆ỏ̸̰u̴̪̅g̷̬͆h̶̫̓,̷͖͂" Zero hissed, glaring down at Joe. "Ḑ̷̈́ǒ̵͇ ̷̑͜y̷̱̌o̶̫͝ư̵͇ ̵̺̚k̵͙̉ń̴̬o̸̥̍w̴͕͛ ̴̨̕w̶̙̒h̵̬͘ȧ̴͍t̴̞͒ ̸̮͘w̷͎̃ȩ̸͠ ̶̿͜a̵̟̎r̷̖̅e̵̪̒,̴͕͝ ̴̼͗l̶̞̏ǐ̴͙t̸͉͑t̶̗͝l̶̥̉ȩ̸̚ ̷̭̋p̴͍͐ḻ̸̃ḁ̷͛y̷̮̾e̷̡͠r̴̳̈́?̶̬̈"

Joe shook his head, wrapping his arms around himself as he tried to make himself as small as possible. All he wanted right now was to wake up from this nightmare.

"Aw, are you okay?" his copy asked worriedly. It wrapped itself around Joe in a comforting way, making a small cooing noise. In his panic, Joe allowed himself to relax in the monochrome's arms.

Then it harshly shoved him to the floor, giggling wildly. "What an idiot!" it cackled, sneering at the shocked Joe.

"Ś̸̗h̸͇̔ü̷͉t̶̟̓ ̴̗͛i̴̯̾ṭ̵͑ ̶̖̔J̶̞̅o̵̳͒k̶͙̊ę̶̀,̵̪̃" Zero snapped. Joke rolled its eyes playfully, shutting its mouth but still bearing a wide grin. Zero turned to the shaking Joe, towering over him with terrifying red eyes. "Ẇ̵̙e̴̢̛ ̴̻͋n̷͚̄ệ̵ê̵̹d̴͔̾ ̴̳͠y̷̬͌õ̸̖ṳ̸͘ ̶̗̃f̵͍͌ŏ̴̬ṛ̷̃ ̷̦͌s̸͖̄ò̶̬m̴̬͛e̸̱͌ṫ̶̬h̷̠̔i̸̗̕n̵͍̊g̴̮̕-̵̧͝" it growled.

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