Potion Pranks (one-shot)

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mmmm i haven't written a one-shot in a while so here's a fun one for ya'll (also wattpad notifs are still not working for me ;-;)

also no, this is not based on an actual episode of hermitcraft if you're wondering, i just made it up :')


"Step right up, step right up! Come and play Potion Explosion!" Scar called, waving his arm in the air next to his small stand. It wasn't really a proper shop or game, all it was was a small wooden stand with a sign on top reading, "Potion Explosion" in messy purple ink.

Walking by, Jevin raised an eyebrow and stared at Scar. "That's a mighty small shop for something with the word "explosion" in the name," he remarked, stepping up to the stand.

Scar shrugged, still smirking. "Well it's just a little game of luck!" he explained, resting an arm on against the stand. "Pay a small fee of two diamonds only and I'll give you a random potion to try out! Unknown effects are guaranteed!"

Jevin rolled his eyes and chuckled, slipping out a shulker box and digging through it, eventually pulling out two diamonds. "I'll take one. I've got nothing better to do with all these riches."

The brunette in front of him grinned widely and snatched the gems from his hand, shoving them into his pocket for safe keeping. He dug into a chest behind the stand and pulled out a glass bottle swirling with a half orange half purple mixture, handing it to Jevin.

The slime hybrid eyed Scar skeptically before smashing the potion onto the ground below him much to Scar's enjoyment. Coughing as amber and purple smoke surrounded him, he squeezed his eyes shut and waved away the smoke.

"Well?" the cowboy asked expectantly, eyes wide with interest.

"nOtHinG-" Jevin's now orange and purple eyes widened and he gasped, choking on his saliva as he abruptly inhaled. "sCaR!" he exclaimed, voice wavering in pitch. "wHaT tHe HeLl?!"

Scar meanwhile was laughing his ass off, holding his stomach and wiping away a fake tear. "Oh this was so worth it!" he cackled.

"gOoDtImEsWiThScAr! I sOuNd LiKe A pUbEsCeNt LiTtLe BoY," Jevin groaned.

The brunette grinned ear-to-ear, holding up another potion vial and shaking it tauntingly. "Want some more?" he purred.

The slime was about to turn away when he paused and looked up at Scar, smirking. "Give me a discount and I'll help you prank some hermits," he offered."

Scar looked thoughtful for a moment before handing him two vials, grinning evilly. "One diamond for two potions."


Flying high above the shopping district, Jevin looked for some victims. Playful laughter suddenly rang through the air and he swooped down, squinting to see. Impulse and Zed were standing by Tango, excitedly watching as he shuffled a paper fortune teller in his hands.

Zed glanced absentmindedly up at the sky with a dreamy look before narrowing his eyes and staring straight at Jevin.

Oh shit, Jevin thought, swiftly pulling out the potions and watching Zed load his bow. "uH, cAtCh!" he yelled, chucking the potions down at them.

Zed yelped and practically knocked himself to the ground in attempt to dodge, scrambling backwards as the arrow in his bow tumbled loosely out of his grip. Impulse and Tango weren't so lucky and were swallowed by a cloud of dark magenta and light blue, coughing and closing their eyes as the smoke made their eyes water.

"Jevin!" Zed hissed, glaring playfully up at the cackling slime hybrid. "What the heck did you do?!"

Jevin shrugged, gasping for air as he wiped away a tear. "Dunno!" he chuckled, smirking. "I was just given these potions, the effects are completely random!"

The blonde below stuck his tongue out indignantly, watching as the slime hybrid flew away with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.

Arms suddenly wrapped around him and Zed squeaked in surprise, struggling in their grip. "Relax babe, it's just me!" Tango's voice cooed, his head nuzzling against the blonde's cheek.

"Tango!" he sighed with relief. "Thank goodness you're alright. Can you uh, let me go now?"

"Of course!" Tango let him go although he still clung to his arm, smiling happily.

"Lleh eht tahw...?" Impulse's voice groaned, shaking his head. He slapped a hand over his mouth suddenly, realizing how weird his words sounded. "Eht tahw-?!"

Zed glanced between Impulse's light blue gaze and Tango's dark magenta eyes, sighing. "This is gonna be a long day."


okay yeah i might have given Tango a love potion but shhshshshshshhshshh let me have clingy Tango-

a few things to say, a) i've fallen down the hole of countryhumans goddamn it, b) Mumbo as a crab hybrid and no you're not getting context, and c) it's about midnight and i haven't done my math homework yet :')

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