bunch of valid, random headcanons

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some cursed, some cute, you know what this shit is by now (also im in a very very pro-lgbtq+ mood rn)

-Scar with pointy elf ears

-also Doc with pointy elf ears

-Cub would start wearing a santa hat the day halloween is over

-Scar would wear a sexy santa girl outfit on christmas because he would

-hello yes, i would like to say any hermit wearing a dress because they feel like it is very valid

-Mumbo wears sundresses with shorts when it's hot out

-Tango and Wels both wear crop tops on the daily

-Zed has a bunch of hair clips he likes wearing

-Xisuma always wears clips that he says he only wears to keep the hair from falling in front of his face and while that is true, he also just likes the look of them

-Grian casually rocks a skirt when it's hot out

-Ren always has fun little plastic kiddy hair clips that he wears

-ok literally all of these are just dresses and skirts and hair clip headcanons wtf-

-i would also like to report CLEO AND FALSE AND STRESS IN SUITS

-damnit ok now that i say that, i keep imagining them with sunglasses as well like Men In Black-


-Impulse casually wearing crocs and socks on the daily

-most of the hybrids' hybrid features are extra sensitive; Ren's ears and tail, Grian's wings (might not be hybrid but still sensitive), Python's wings, Cub and Scar's Vex magic veins on their chests and necks, and Tango's horns and tail (horns, more like horny- )

-Wels knows how to make swords and has a personalized sword and made one for False (for a few diamonds lol)

-the hermits have a yearly game night where each hermit suggests a game and they play it and goes like that until they get through everyone

god i love making dress wearing hermit headcanons because all of them would look so good in dresses 👌👌👌

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