Facility 8-3 (one-shot/AU)

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btw the name "8-3" comes from the fact that the 8th letter of the alphabet is "H" and the 3rd letter is "C", spelling out "HC"

(warning: much description of gore, specifically blood)


Xisuma stared solemnly at the chained man, his dirty blonde hair horribly tangled and his once clean sweater now torn in multiple places. Beside him, two more people watched on in horror.

"I-Is this really n-necessary?" one asked, nervously fidgeting with the gray cap in his hands and staring wide-eyed at the boy.

The other nodded, averting his dark eyes away from the scene and playing with a loose string from his white shirt. "Y-yeah this seems a bit excessive..."

"I know it may seem harsh," Xisuma replied slowly, keeping his eyes on the limp man. "But please remember that all of these people volunteered to do this. None of this was nonconsensual and they understood what they were getting into.

The one with hat hardly listened, staring bug-eyed at the poor mangled man. His feet had molded into pale yellow bird feet with gleaming black talons and reddened bandages wrapped around his ankles to slow the gush of blood. Soft feathered wings were folded on his back, speckles of scarlet red blood glistening on them from where they'd burst from his skin.

"Keralis?" His friend's voice shook him from his trance and he looked up at the other man. "C'mon," he ushered, gesturing towards Xisuma who had started to walk away. "Xisuma's gonna show us the other uh, experiments."

"Alright Bubbles," Keralis murmured, following them and glancing back one last time at the pitifully broken man, before heading down the hallway.

"This is specimen 10-9," Xisuma said, showing them a small stone room with an iron door and a giant cyan-tinted glass window as the front wall. A mass of blue slime shaped like a human sat in the far right corner of the room, absentmindedly curling the strings on his white hoodie around his jelly-like finger. He looked up and sighed, rolling his eyes.

Xisuma continued on, seemingly not noticing the "specimen's" actions. "10-9 has undergone experiments that have changed the consistancy of his skin and muscles," Xisuma explained, adjusting his green-tinted eye visor slightly. "As such, 10-9 now has the ability to-"

"I have a name you know," the man interrupted, glaring at the brunette. He glanced over at BDubs and Keralis, nodding a greeting. "Call me Jevin," he said. "Nice to meet you I guess."

"As I was saying," Xisuma hissed, glaring pointedly at Jevin. "10-9 now has the ability to melt smaller or extend his arms to a maximum of 10 feet." Moving along, he walked over to the next cell, not waiting for Keralis or BDubs as they scurried to catch up.

The next cell was the same except for the lush greenery that coated the walls and ground, leaving almost nothing but the ceiling uncovered. A man with a cowboy hat sat cross-legged in the middle, quietly braiding a chain of flowers as light blue fairy wings flapped on his back. He glanced up, hearing their footsteps, and stared with emerald green eyes that glitter uneasily.

"This is specimen 7-19," Xisuma said. "7-19 has been given the ability of nature manipulation and fairy-like wings through butterfly DNA. He can bend even the smallest bits of nature to his will and fly."

The man quaintly waved. "Hey," he said quietly, smiling. "You can just call me Scar if you want. No need for numbers." Keralis waved back, smiling widely.

Xisuma rolled his eyes at their interaction and swiftly moved on, beginning to go at a faster pace.

The next cell had ice spiking up from the floor to the walls, nearly touching the ceiling and completely fogging up the window. A woman with short brunette hair and a pink cardigan was standing at the window and tracing patterns in the fog, staring wide-eyed as the three came around to her cell. She introduced herself as Stress despite Xisuma continuing to call her by her numbered name. "Specimen 9-3, given the ability to manipulate ice and withstand freezing temperatures."

The next cell was the same as Jevin's, empty with plain stone walls. A man with brown hair and thin black glasses sat quietly in the middle, his arms bound by a straight-jacket. Xisuma explained that 10-8 wasn't insane, but his ability, the ability to make whatever he writes come true, was much too dangerous to be left to his free use. He said his name was Joe, smiling friendly at them to which BDubs smiled back.

The rest of the cells were practically a blur as Xisuma rushed through them.

Specimen 4-13, a man with dappled green scales and a prosthetic arm and eye, his arms chained behind his back as he was given the ability to summon and control lightning.

Specimen 6-19, a woman with striking blonde hair and googles, chained up as she was given lightning fast reflexes and speed.

Specimen 2-6, a dirty blonde with a purple blindfold and a soundproof room, given the ability to teleport.

Specimen 18-4, a man with brown wolf ears and a tail, given the endurance and enhanced senses of a wolf.

Specimen 2-0, a blonde with devil-like horns and tail, surrounded by water and given the ability of fire and lava manipulation.

Specimen 6-3, a ginger with greenish skin and stitches, metal cuffs with spikes that dug into her flesh wrapped around her wrist and ankles and given the ability of limb detachment.

Specimen 1-6, a man with fiery red hair and slitted pupils, a dark red handkerchief tied tightly around his mouth and chained as he was given the ability of poisonous fangs.

Specimen 8-5, a brunette with a brown beard and a glittering cyan robotic eye, his eyes blindfolded and given the ability of manipulation over liquids.

Specimen 3-6, a bald man with a gray beard and the light blue skeletal frame of wings, hands chained above him and given the ability of to wither and destroy.

Specimen 9-1, a brunette with a dark gray t-shirt and bright lights shining from every part of his room, a blind fold wrapped tightly around his eyes and his hands bound as he was given the ability of shadow manipulation.

Specimen 2-3, a man with light blonde hair and large blue eyes, his door made from stone and his hands bound with ropes as he was given the ability of metal attraction and repellent.

And lastly Specimen 3-1, a noirette with a distinct mustache and half of the inside of his room walled off with iron bars, pushing him farther away from the glass and given the ability of electricity manipulation.

Keralis and BDubs scarcely listened to Xisuma, terrified of what they had truly signed up for when getting their new job.


whoops this was like a thousand something words lmao but hey it was worth it because i actually really like it AU (listen im a sucker to lab experiment AUs alright- )

also i kinda missed out on making this "Facility 77" with Doc and Scar running it but whatever-

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